Evening on Summit

2011 Evening on the Summit Programs

June 4- Park Ranger Mike Garcia
The Innovation of Wire Rope

June 11- Musical Guest- Men of Steel
Songs and Stories of Pennsylvania's Working Class Heroes
and Villains

June 18- Musical Guest- Full Kilt
Twist yer Kilt Celtic Rock

June 25-Up from the Underground Railroad
Cambria County's role in the Underground Railroad; Being
Held in Conjunction with Underground Railroad Symposium
at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College.

July 9- Musical Guest- Dead Irish Blues

July 16- Park Rangers Greg Zaborowski and Doug Bosley
Members of the American Highlanders Mexican War Unit
Return to Tell their Tales

July 23-Park Ranger Nathan Koozer
Through the Johnstown Flood.

July 30- Musical Guest - Tree
Foot Stompin' Folk

August 13-Park Ranger Greg Zaborowski
Samuel Lemon Returns to Tell his Tales

August 20-Park Ranger Doug Bosley
Roebling and the Mainline

August 27-Musical Guest- Michael O’Brian Band
Blitzin' Gallitzin Irish

Sept 17-Dennis McIlnay
The Wreck of the Red Arrow: An American Train Tragedy

Sept 24-Dr. Martin Rice
Enjoying the Night Sky


The most current information about Evening on the Summit events is found in the events calendar section of this website.

Suggest A Speaker or Music Group
Use the contact us link or mail materials to:
Evening on the Summit Coordinator
Allegheny Portage Railroad NHS
110 Federal Park Road
Gallitzin, PA 16641

For Speakers
The speaker's topic needs to be related to the park story. Something on the 1830-1850 timeperiod, transportation history, or National Park history is greatly appreciated.

Book authors may not sell copies of their book directly to the public at the park. Park bookstore copies can be made available for sales or book signings with the title remaining a sales item at the bookstore.

For Music Groups
The group needs to perform family friendly music appropriate to the park story. Folk, Celtic, Appalachian, and chamber music are often featured.

Groups may not sell any items including CDs, t-shirts, posters, etc, directly to the public at the park. It may be possible to arrange sales through the park bookstore.

Musicians will be responsible for the set-up and operation of all their own equipment.

The amount of stipend available for payment is limited, please let the park know the cost of hosting your group. Any funds paid by the park will be via electronic deposit to a bank account.


Past and Current Music Groups Hosted at the Park

County Mayo
Dead Irish Blues
Full Kilt
History Alive!
Indiana Brass Band
Lackawanna Longnecks
Lester Hirsh
Mathew Todd
Men of Steel
Michael O'Brian Band
97th Regimental String Band
Ray Owen
Seamus Kennedy
Simple Gifts
South Wind
Storyteller Alan Irvine
Storyteller Jan Kinney
Tim Dabbs
Three Generations on String
Wee Bluet


Past and Current Speakers Hosted at the Park

Pennsylvania Humanities Council Commonwealth Speakers
Dr. Brian Black
David Crawley
Bernard Hagerty
Dr. Charles McCollester
Lance Metz
Dr. Susan Meo
Dr. Phil Mosley
Bruce Young

Book Authors
Dave Hurst
Chris Lewie
Dennis McIlnay

Local Clubs/Speakers
Altoona/Blair County Photographic Society
Blair County Genealogical Society
Dr. Martin Rice and Astronomy
Penn Highlands Librarian Barb Zaborowski

NPS Speakers
Brian Reedy on Friendship Hill
Doug Richardson on Johnstown Flood
James Tomasek on Fort Necessity

State Speakers
PA Game Commission
Paul Fagley, Greenwood Furnace State Park

Last updated: March 31, 2012

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

110 Federal Park Road
Gallitzin, PA 16641


814 886-6150

Contact Us