VP/VPB-139, Part 2

"Seeing the AA fire coming up toward the plane looking like white orange red peppermint candy sticks then burst a large fiery bloom. That’ll get your attention."

Will R. Swinney, ARM, VPB-139

VP-139 crew by plane
Standing from left to right: Elmer Hedrick, Co-Pilot & Navigator; Boris Georgeff, Pilot; and Erwin “Bud”Hanson, Co-Pilot & Navigator . Kneeling from left to right: Dewey A. Tarkington “Tark,” Top Turret Gunner (AOM); Robert Johnston “Smokey,” Mechanic (AMM) & Dorsal Tail Gunner; and Will R. Swinney, Radio & Radar Operator (ARM).

Courtesy Will R. Swinney, ARM, VPB-139

Crew posing by plane
Standing from left to right: Ensign Gaetano “Tom” Anzalone, Co-Pilot & Navigator; Carl Heikkinen, Pilot; and Robert Andrews, Navigator. Kneeling from left to right: Jack Miller, Mechanic; Charles Rowles, Radioman; and James Sarvis, Ordinance.

Courtesy Will R. Swinney, ARM, VPB-139

Crew by a plane
A PV-2 crew during their second tour of duty in Alaska with VPB-139. From left to right: Sutton, Radioman; Yakich, Navigator; Potter, Co-Pilot; Becnel, Mechanic; Jenkins, Ordinance; dog (unknown) and Bradbury Jr, Pilot.

Courtesy Will R. Swinney, ARM, VPB-139.

Men in front of a plane
Standing from left to right: Ensign Richard D. Switzer, Co-Pilot; Lieutenant A. Paul Stehle, Pilot; and Ensign Henry T. Jenssen, Navigator. Kneeling from left to right: Arthur G. Molten, Crew Chief (AMM1c); Chet E. Silas, Ordnance (AOM2c), and Joe Baldeschi, Radio & Radar (ARM2c).

Courtesy Joe Baldeschi, ARM2c, VB-139, June 1943-June 1945.

Three men in front of a plane
Arthur G. Molten, Crew Chief (AMM1c); Chet E. Silas, Ordinance (AOM2c); and Joe Baldeschi, Radio & Radar (ARM2c).

Courtesy Joe Baldeschi, ARM2c, VB-139, June 1943-June 1945


Last updated: October 22, 2015

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