Stories of the Aleutians

During World War II the remote Aleutian Islands, home to the Unangax̂ (Aleut) people for over 8,000 years, became one of the fiercely contested battlegrounds of the Pacific.

This thousand-mile-long archipelago saw the first invasion of American soil since the War of 1812, a mass internment of American civilians, a 15-month air campaign, and one of the deadliest battles in the Pacific Theatre. The Aleutian World War II National Historic Area and Visitor Center in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, tell these compelling stories and preserve the historic Fort Schwatka on Mount Ballyhoo. You can also hear some of these stories in the words of those who lived or served in the theater.

Last updated: March 29, 2018

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Mailing Address:

Aleutian Islands WWII Visitor Center
2716 Airport Beach Road

Unalaska, AK 99692



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