Right-of-Way Permit

A right of way (ROW) is a permit issued by the National Park Service (NPS) that allows a utility to pass over, under, or through NPS property. The permit may be issued only pursuant to specific statutory authority and generally if there is no practicable alternative to the use of NPS lands, regardless of whether the equipment is serving the NPS and its visitors or crossing the park to reach other communities. You need a ROW permit any time you want to build or install a utility on NPS lands. Projects could include electrical transmission lines, telephone lines, canals, and sewer lines. Broadband equipment, such as telecommunication sites, microwave, and fiber optic, requires a ROW permit as well.

If your request is approved, you will be issued a ROW permit. The permit does not give you an estate in fee, limited estate, or any property interest or ownership in the land. Your permit is not exclusive, and the park reserves the right to allow visitor use of the land where appropriate.

The authorities authorizing the use of NPS lands for rights of way are found at 54 USC 100902 and 36 CFR Parts 1 and 14. Note that the NPS does not have the general authority to issue permits for roads or oil or gas pipelines.

Last updated: February 6, 2025