Discover something new!At Abraham Lincoln Birthplace's Discovery Days, everyone can discover something new! While the programing is geared towards kids 1st-5th grade, these days are fun for the whole family. Explore arts, sciences, and history to create meaningful experiences in your National Park.The programing is drop in, so you are welcome to stop by anytime and stay and long as you would like. For questions, call 270-358-3137 or email us. Discover WaterJune 10th 2023 - Birthplace Unit12:00pm ET - 4:00pm ET Discover WritingJuly 15th 2023 - Birthplace Unit12:00pm ET - 4:00pm ET Discover SoundAugust 12th 2023 - Birthplace Unit12:00pm ET - 4:00pm ET |
Last updated: May 9, 2023