USGS Logo Geological Survey Professional Paper 215
Geology of the Southern Guadalupe Mountains, Texas




Stratigraphy of Permian rocks
Tectonic features
Cenozoic deposits and land forms
Economic geology


The Permian problem
Present investigation

Physical features of the region

El Capitan
Guadalupe Mountains

Stratigraphy of Permian rocks

Historical sketch
    Shumard's discovery
    Work of Girty and Richardson
    Search for oil in the Llano Estacado
    Recent work in the Guadalupe Mountains
General features of stratigraphy
Rocks not exposed
    Rocks of Pennsylvanian age
    Wolfcamp series of Carboniferous or Permian age
Leonard series
    Bone Spring limestone
        Sequence in the south
            Black limestones and associated rocks
            Structural features in the black limestone
            Cutoff shaly member
        Sequence in the north
                Victorio Peak gray member
                Cutoff shaly member in Shumard Canyon
                Cutoff shaly member in north part of area
    Stratigraphic relations
        Bone Spring flexure
        Some details near Bone Canyon
        Relations north and south of flexure
        Black limestone beds
        Victorio Peak gray member
        Cutoff shaly member
    Conditions of deposition
        General relations
        Facies and provinces
        Black limestone facies
        Marginal area
        Gray limestone facies
Lower part of Guadalupe series
    Terminology of Delaware Mountain group
    Subdivisions of Guadalupe series
    Brushy Canyon formation
        Massive sandstone beds
        Other rocks
        Relations of Brushy Canyon formation in Bone Canyon and northward
    Stratigraphic relations
    Conditions of deposition
        Regional relations
        Detailed features
Middle part of Guadalupe series
    Cherry Canyon formation
        Sandstone beds
        Limestone members
        Getaway limestone member
        Beds adjacent to Getaway limestone member
        South Wells limestone member
        Manzanita limestone member
        Cherry Canyon formation in aerial photographs
    Sandstone tongue of Cherry Canyon formation
    Goat Seep limestone
        General relations
        Southern exposures
        Northern exposures
    Stratigraphic relations
        Cherry Canyon formation
            Sub-Getaway fossil zone
            Getaway limestone member
            South Wells limestone member
            Manzanita limestone member
        Sandstone tongue of Cherry Canyon formation
        Goat Seep limestone
    Conditions of deposition
        Regional relations
        Deposits of the Delaware Basin
        Deposits of marginal area (reef zone)
Upper part of Guadalupe series
    Bell Canyon formation
        Sandstone beds
        Limestone members
        Hegler limestone member
        Pinery limestone member
        Rader limestone member
        Flaggy limestone bed
        Lamar limestone member
        Highest beds of Bell Canyon formation
        Bell Canyon formation in aerial photographs
    Capitan limestone
        Relations to Bell Canyon formation
        Lithologic features
        Breccia phase of Capitan Limestone
    Carlsbad limestone
        Relation to Capitan limestone
        Limestone of southeastern exposures
        Limestone of northwestern exposures
        Sandstone of southeastern exposures
        Sandstone of northwestern exposures
    Northern Guadalupe Mountains
    Stratigraphic relations
        Field relations
        Alternative interpretations
        Inferred stratigraphic relations
        Bell Canyon formation
            Hegler limestone member
            Pinery limestone member
            Rader limestone member
            Limestone beds between Rader and Lamar members
            Lamar limestone member
        Capitan limestone
        Carlsbad limestone
    Conditions of deposition
        Regional relations
        Sands of the Delaware Basin
        Limestones of Delaware Basin
        Depth of water in Delaware Basin
        Form of Capitan reef
        Nature and origin of Capitan deposits
        Deposits of the shelf area
        Comparison with modern limestone reefs
Ochoa series
    Castile formation
        Castile of area of this report
        Castile of Gypsum Plain
    Higher formations of Ochoa series
        Salado formation
        Rustler formation
        Dewey Lake red beds
    Stratigraphic relations
    Fossils and age
    Conditions of deposition
        Beginning of Ochoa time
        General environment of Castile time
        Origin of laminations
        Later parts of Ochoa time
Broader features of Permian stratigraphy
    Summary of the section
        Time span of Guadalupe Mountains section
    Faunal summary
        General character of faunas
        Relation to older faunas
        Relation to other Permian faunas of North America
        Distribution of the faunas outside the Guadalupe Mountains
        Zone fossils
        Facies fossils
    Correlation of Guadalupe Mountains section with Permian rocks of other regions

Mesozoic era

Tertiary igneous rocks


Tectonic features older than the uplift of the mountains
    Features of pre-Permian age
    Features of Permian age
    Features of early Mesozoic age
    Features of early Cenozoic age
Tectonic features related to the uplift of the mountains
    Form of the uplift
        General relations
        Crest and eastern flank
        Border fault zone
        Cutoff Mountain area
        Western foothill area
        Fault pattern
        Displacement along faults
        Dips of faults
        Minor deformational features
        Relation to Quaternary deposits and topographic features
        Field observations
        Dips of joints
        Joint trends
        Relation of joints to other tectonic features
    Regional relations of the younger tectonic features
        Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains
        Sierra Diablo
        Salt Basin
        Basin and Range province in Texas and New Mexico
        Regional relations of joints
    History of Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains uplift
        Features older than the uplift
        Early phases
        Main phase
        Later phase
Theoretical problems
    Nature of structure beneath the surface
    Relative versus actual movements
        Evidence for actual uplift
        Evidence for actual depression
    Origin of later tectonic features
        Origin of joints
        Origin of faults
        Origin of uplift

Cenozoic deposits and land forms

The record of Cenozoic history
Relation between present and past
The modern landscape and processes at work on it
    Controlling factors
        Soils and vegetation
    Streams and their work
        Relation to base level
        Interstream areas
        Control of degradation by streams
    Mountain slopes
        Kinds of slopes
        Weathering processes
        Processes that loosen weathered blocks
        Transportation of material on slopes
        Cliffy slopes
        Boulder-controlled slopes on massive rocks
        Boulder-controlled slopes on bedded rocks
        Rain-washed slopes
        Origin of bajadas and pediments
        Floor of Salt Basin
Pre-Pleistocene (?) topographic features and deposits
    Summit peneplain
        Position of summit peneplain in surrounding areas
        Age of summit peneplain
        Former cover of summit peneplain
    Older consequent streams
        Streams consequent on tilted rock surfaces
        Streams consequent on tilted fault blocks
    Deposits contemporaneous with pre-Pleistocene (?) topographic features
        Deposits of the Guadalupe Mountains region
        Age of deposits
Early Pleistocene(?) topographic features and deposits
    Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains
        Gravel deposits
        Rock surface below gravel deposits
        Streams consequent on gravel deposits
        Older pediments
        Valley-side shoulders
    West-facing escarpment
        Fault scarp versus fault-line scarp
        Erosion of escarpment
        Slope deposits
    Foothill area
        Older fanglomerate
        Older pediment and its gravel cover
    Floor of Salt Basin
    Age of deposits
    Interpretation of early Pleistocene (?) features and deposits
        Volume of early Pleistocene(?) deposits
        Development of Pecos River
        Climatic fluctuations
        Relation of climatic fluctuations to Pleistocene glaciation
Later Pleistocene and Recent features and deposits
    Tectonic features
        Evidence for faulting
        Black limestone bench
        Relation of faulting to erosional features
    Erosional and depositional features
        Dissection of older features and deposits
        Subsequent streams
        Younger slope deposits and fanglomerates
        Recent dissection
    Lake features
        Beach ridges
        History of lake
        Cave faunas
    Evidence for recent climatic changes
        Evidence for climatic changes in area studied
        Evidence for climatic changes in nearby areas
Broader relations of Cenozoic history
    Evolution of the mountain area
    Basin-Range problem

Economic geology

Ore deposits
Oil and gas
Ground water
Building stone
Road metal

Selected stratigraphic sections


Index (omitted from the online edition)

J. A. Krug, Secretary

W. E. Wrather, Director



1. El Capitan from south

2. Topographic and index map of southern Guadalupe Mountains Texas (omitted from the online edition)

3. Geologic map and sections of southern Guadalupe Mountains (omitted from the online edition)

4. Panoramic views of Reef Escarpment

5. Panoramic views of westward-facing escarpment of Guadalupe Mountains

6. Stratigraphic sections of Permian rocks in southern Guadalupe Mountains (omitted from the online edition)

7. Stratigraphy of Permian rocks of southern Guadalupe Mountains (omitted from the online edition)

8. Stratigraphic sections of Bone Spring limestone (omitted from the online edition)

9. Geologic map and sections of Bone Spring area (omitted from the online edition)

10. Laminated sediments of Permian age

11. Structural features in black limestone of Bone Spring

12. Panoramic views of cliffs and mountain slopes near Bone Spring

13. Detailed stratigraphic sections of beds near contact of Bone Spring limestone and Delaware Mountain group (omitted from the online edition)

14. Panoramic views in northern and southern parts of area studied

15. Detailed stratigraphic sections of parts of Bell Canyon formation and of Capitan limestone (omitted from the online edition)

16. Panoramic views in McKittrick Canyon

17. Sections through Capitan limestone and related formations in Guadalupe Mountains (omitted from the online edition)

18. Aerial view of Guadalupe Mountains, looking southwestward from McKittrick Canyon

19. Some fossils from Guadalupe Mountains

20. Map of southern Guadalupe Mountains, showing tectonic features (omitted from the online edition)

21. Map of Guadalupe Mountains and surrounding areas, showing tectonic features (omitted from the online edition)

22. Map of southern Guadalupe Mountains, showing Cenozoic deposits and land forms (omitted from the online edition)

23. Map of Salt Basin, showing distribution of unconsolidated Quaternary deposits (omitted from the online edition)


1. Map of western Texas, southeastern New Mexico, and adjoining area in Mexico

2. Map of Guadalupe Mountains and vicinity

3. Index map, showing provinces of Permian time

4. Sections showing lenticular nature of massive sandstones of Brushy Canyon formation and of limestones of Getaway member of Cherry Canyon formation

5. Sections showing cyclical deposition in Delaware Mountain group

6. Map of western part of area studied, showing distribution of facies and other stratigraphic features in beds of lower Guadalupe age

7. Sections showing channeling and lenticular deposition of sandstones of Cherry Canyon formation

8. Map of area studied, showing distribution of facies and other stratigraphic features in beds of middle Guadalupe age

9. Sections showing lenticular reeflike features in limestone members of Bell Canyon formation

10. Map of area studied, showing distribution of facies and other stratigraphic features in beds of upper Guadalupe age

11. Stratigraphic diagrams showing known distribution of two fossil groups

12. Correlation chart of Permian rocks

13. Paleogeographic maps of western Texas during Permian time (Wolfcamp to lower Guadalupe)

14. Paleogeographic maps of western Texas during Permian time (middle Guadalupe to middle Ochoa)

15. Maps showing tectonic features of Guadalupe Mountains and vicinity during Cenozoic and Mesozoic time

16. Maps showing tectonic features of Guadalupe Mountains and vicinity during Permian and Carboniferous time

17. Sections showing faulting of gravel deposits

18. Cross sections expanded downward to top of basement rocks

19. Map showing stream pattern of southern Guadalupe Mountains

20. Diagrams showing characteristic features of the Reef Escarpment

21. Profiles along Pine Spring and Cherry Canyons

22. Sections of westward-facing escarpment

23. Sections and profiles of westward-facing escarpment near Guadalupe Peak

24. Sections south of El Capitan

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Last Updated: 28-Dec-2007