Textiles and Clothing

The textile collection consists of fabrics, clothing and accessories from around the world. Many of these items were collected by the Billings Family and the Rockefeller Family during their travels to places like India, China, Greece, Mexico and Japan.

Highlights from the collection:

MABI 13696, Dress by Claire McCardell, c. 1950
MABI 13696, Dress by Claire McCardell, c. 1950

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MABI 13696, Dress by Claire McCardell, c. 1950

MABI 9408, Chinese slippers for bound feet, c. late 19th century
MABI 9408, Chinese slippers for bound feet, c. late 19th century

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MABI 9408, Chinese slippers for bound feet, c. late 19th century

MABI 9422, Hat from Italy, c. 1960s
MABI 9422, Hat from Italy, c. 1960s

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MABI 9422, Hat from Italy, c. 1960s

MABI 12965, Embroidered Tablecloth from India, c. 1963
MABI 12965, Embroidered Tablecloth from India, c. 1963

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MABI 12965, Embroidered Tablecloth from India, c. 1963

MABI 8088, Rug, Caucasus Region, c. 1850
MABI 8088, Rug, Caucasus Region, c. 1850

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MABI 8088, Rug, Caucasus Region, c. 1850

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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