Ranger Earns Top Honors for Search-and-Rescue Training

Nainoa Keana'aina
Law Enforcement Ranger Nainoa Keana'aina

NPS Photo/Jay Robinson

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News Release Date: January 31, 2013

Contact: Jessica Ferracane, 808-985-6018

Hawaii National Park, Hawai'i - Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park Law Enforcement Ranger Nainoa Keana'aina is the first-ever recipient of the Honor Graduate Award from the National Search and Rescue Academy (NSARA).

The intensive six-week NSARA program was conducted at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center, located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains at 7,000 feet, near Bridgeport, CA. The training provides participants with essential field rescue skills in ground search operations, incident command systems, swiftwater rescue, technical rope rescue, helicopter rescue techniques, remote emergency medical responder training, and more.

Keana'aina served as class president and incident commander, and was selected by his fellow classmates for the Honor Graduate Award.

"Nainoa exemplified personal leadership skills and a commitment to learning during the intensive six-week academy," said NSARA Coordinator Ken Phillips. "He is the sort of professional responder that a search and rescue (SAR) coordinator desires to have on a SAR team."

The physically demanding NSARA training was conducted by the National Park Service in conjunction with the Department of Defense. To broaden inter-agency cooperation, allied and federal agency personnel jointly attended the academy.

Keana'aina has served Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park since 2007.


Last updated: February 28, 2015

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