America's Battleground

Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, and Spotsylvania, this is America's battleground, where the Civil War roared to its bloody climax. No place more vividly reflects the War's tragic cost in all its forms. A town bombarded and looted. Farms large and small ruined. Refugees by the thousands forced into the countryside. More than 85,000 men wounded; 15,000 killed--most in graves unknown.

A park volunteer speaking with two people at a visitor center desk.
Hours of Operation

Check out the park's hours of operation and other basic information to plan your visit.

Living historian dressed as US civil war soldier with tent speaks to visitors
Late Summer Special Programs

Visit Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park to discover the stories of soldiers, civilians, and enslaved freedom seekers.

Four interns in tan polos and baseball caps wear reflective jackets while handing out fliers
Volunteer with Us!

Looking for experience in the field? Like talking about history? Attend one of our upcoming volunteer training sessions!

A tree-lined road in fall curving around a bend.
Self-Guided Tours

Discover audio tours of the park to listen to at home or while you are here.

Ulysses Grant cut out holding a trail map
Trails & Brochures

Download trail maps and discover each battlefield on your own time.

An 11 year old boy filling out a work book.
Download Junior Ranger Books

Four battlefields + four Junior Ranger books = Four times the fun!

Historical photography covered wagon pulled by horses.

Watch the park films before your visit or simply browse through the library of park videos.

A two-story farm house situated in a field, behind a bench with signs nearby
Ellwood Manor

Ellwood Manor was a slave plantation, field hospital, US headquarters, and the location where "Stonewall" Jackson's arm is buried.

A small, white house with a-frame roof at sunset.
Jackson Death Site

Confederate General "Stonewall" Jackson died in this house near Guinea Station after the Battle of Chancellorsville.

A garden walkway leading to a Grecian statue
Chatham Manor

Learn about Chatham Manor, the slave plantation, Civil War headquarters and hospital that has overlooked Fredericksburg since 1771.

Last updated: August 14, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

120 Chatham Ln
Fredericksburg, VA 22405


540 693-3200

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