Historic Weapons Demonstrations

Demonstrations take place on Saturday & Sunday at
10:30 - 11:30 - 1:30 - 2:30 - 3:30

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What are we firing today?
A: Sometimes we fire muskets, other times we fire cannons. Decision is based on volunteer attendance. Check with the Rangers when you arrive at the park.

Q: Where do the demonstrations take place?
A: Generally on the gundeck (top) of the fort. The only access is the staircase in the courtyard; demonstrations may also be viewed from outside the fort along the seawall in an area accessed by a ramp. During special events, demonstrations may take place outside the fort as well.

Q: Why are the demonstrations canceled?
A: Usually due to weather. We cancel demonstrations during thunderstorms or periods of extremly high heat.

Cannon firing from the top of the fort


Cannon Firings

Volunteers and staff dressed as Colonial Spanish soldiers firing a replica 6-Pounder cannon.
British soldiers fire muskets


Musket Firings

Volunteers dressed as Colonial British soldiers firing flintlock muskets.
Group of people dressed in blue colonial uniforms


Volunteer opportunities

Are you interested in joining our historic weapons program? Click on the image or follow this link for more infomation.

Last updated: August 11, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1 South Castillo Drive
Saint Augustine, FL 32084


904 829-6506

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