4WD Routes

jeep in the desert
Check the road conditions and your vehicle before you head off-pavement to ensure a safe trip.

NPS/K. Lewandowski

For those who prepare adequately, backcountry driving is a fun, safe, and responsible way to enjoy nature. Backcountry driving is a great way to immerse yourself in the vivid sights, sounds, and smells of the Mojave National Preserve. There are hundreds of miles of unpaved roads to explore here. Visitors can traverse volcano fields, walk on Joshua tree woodlands, see gorgeous mountain vistas, and experience the preserve's unique history.

Basic Safety

  • Cell phone service is sporadic and unreliable. Carry a good map.
  • Thoroughly examine your vehicle before venturing out. For emergencies, carry tools tire pressure gage, tire jack, towrope, extra water, and fluids for your vehicle.
  • Do not attempt rugged backcountry roads alone. Having two or more vehicles will allow you to extricate each other if one vehicle gets stuck or disabled.
  • Check current road conditions before your trip. Dirt roads in the preserve are not regularly monitored or maintained, and may be impassable after storms.
  • Bring plenty of food and at least one gallon of water per person per day.

When to go?

Spring and Fall offer the most comfortable temperatures, but also bring the biggest crowds. Winter is marked with extreme temperature fluxuations. Though daytime temperatures in the winter can reach a comfortable 65 degrees or so, it can drop below freezing at night, especially at higher elevations. Travel during the summer is not recommended.

an archeologist surveys cultural resource damage at soda dry lake
An archeologist surveys cultural resource damage at Soda Dry Lake. Travel off-pavement is only allowed on existing, open roads.

Rules and Regulations

All vehicles must be street-legal in accordance with California DMV requirements, including current registration and tags, lights and turn signals, and valid insurance. California "Green Sticker" and "Red Sticker" programs are not recognized within the preserve.

Groups of more than 7 vehicles or 25+ people require a Special Use Permit. Applications can be found here. Please allow up to a month of processing time.

Off-pavement travel is only allowed on existing, open dirt roads. Do not travel cross-country or create new routes. This rule is strictly enforced; violators will receive citations. Driving in washes is also not permitted.

Last updated: March 14, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

2701 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA 92311


(760) 252-6100
For emergencies including vehicle breakdowns, dial 911

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