Plan Your Visit

Regular Hours

Unplanned closures may occur due to inclement weather. Please check the park alerts for updates during and after severe weather.

Operating Schedule Details

For your safety

As a unit of the National Park System, Wilson's Creek National Battlefield is committed to the protection of our resources, as well as providing visitors with a safe park experience. For these reasons, the use of metal detectors are prohibited; buildings, plants, and natural features should not be disturbed; pets must be on a leash not more than six feet long and are not allowed in buildings; horses are restricted to authorized trails, and speed limits and other traffic laws must be obeyed. All accidents should be reported to park headquarters.

Other safety considerations

  • Summer months are frequently hot and humid. Take water and wear a hat, sturdy shoes and protective clothing when hiking the trails.
  • Ticks, chiggers and stinging insects are common. Use repellent and check yourself for ticks during and after your outing.
  • Swimming in Wilson Creek or any water source is not recommended. Jumping from trees or banks is prohibited.
  • Drinking water from any source except water fountains is not recommended.
  • If walking, biking, or jogging, stay inside the six-foot-wide lane that is specifically marked for those activities. Skates and skateboards are prohibited.
  • Climbing on cannons is hazardous. Please stay off for your safety.
  • Poison ivy is abundant in many areas. Familiarize yourself with this plant and avoid contact with it.
  • Park only in designated parking areas. The designated 6 foot lane on the right hand side of tour road is designated for walkers and bicyclist, not for vehicles. When leaving your car, lock your vehicle and store all valuables out of view.
  • Hunting is prohibited. All wildlife is protected. Do not pick flowers and plants. Some fruits and nuts may be gathered, but check at the Visitor Center first.

Firearms at Wilson's Creek

For information on carrying firearms at Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, click here.

Last updated: September 25, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

5242 S. State Hwy ZZ
Republic, MO 65738


Front desk of the visitor center. Monitored from 9 am to 5 pm daily. After hours voicemails will be answered the next business day.

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