Last updated: January 20, 2022
Thing to Do
Williams Hollow Loop Hike
The Williams Hollow Trail loop is one of Pea Ridge National Military Parks most popular hiking trails on the park grounds. This trial loop starts near the Elkhorn Tavern and cirles around back to the Tavern. This woodland path throught both highlands and lowlands. A little over two miles with some large elevantion changers. This trail is a moderate to strenuous.
45-90 Minutes
Depending upon how fast you are moving well determine the length of time it takes you to do the hike.
A little over two miles with large elevation changes. For some poeple this will be a strenuous hike and or other it will me moderate. If the hike level depends on the preson on how good shape you are in. If you do a lot of walking or hiking it will be a nice hike for one to take.
Childen of 7 year of age or up should be able to take this hike. Parents may want to consider having a harness to carry children on their back. Takeing strollers on this hike is not recommended. Older persons should consider the terrain as a possible obstacle. One should know thier own limitations.
Pets Allowed
Activity Fee
Entrance fees may apply, see Fees & Passes information.
Williams Hollow Loop
This hiking trail takes you along Broad Ridge and some of the steepest elevations changes in the park. The degree of the trail depends upon which direction yo9u travel the loop. Hiking north from the Tavern on Telegraph Road will provid you with a steep incline along Broad Ridge. Conversely, taking the trail southeast down Hunstville Road well offer a steep descents. It was from this area that the Confederacy deployed on the first day fo the battle, suprinsing the Union army along Hunstville Road- leading to the battle in Cleamens Field that afternoon. The established a field hospital along Tanyard Creek, located at the far north tip of the trail. Nearby the site of the Cross Hollows Tanyard, for which the creek was named, is alson marked.
Year Round
Persons taking this hike should consider the days weater forecast. Before heading out on this hike. Hike in the Fall and Winter would be the most present time of year to hike for the mild temperatures. Hiking this trail in the Spring and Summer temperatures can become very hot. Also, during the spring and summer hike will need to take precautionary measures for ticks and chiggers.
Time of Day
Day, Dawn
The park grounds are open from 6 am until sunset. The park grounds close at sunset and open at 6am.
Accessibility Information
This trail is not recommended for wheelchairs. The soft ground could make it easy to get a wheelchair stuck. The trial is not paved and can be rocky in places.
Williams Hollow Hiking Loop
This is a wooldand path trough both highlands and lowlands. A little over two miles with some large elevation change. Moderate to strenuous.The trail starts at the Elkhorn Tavern. Hiking north from the tavern on Telegraph Road will provide you with a steep descent. The trail opens up at the Tanyard site and then continues down to the Williams Hollow Field Hospital site. The trail then heads south, up hill along Broad Ridge and towards Clemens Field and on to Hunstville Road. As you hike southwest on the old Hunstville road you will be brought back to the Elkhorn Tavern.