Last updated: February 27, 2021
Thing to Do
Walk Your Dog at Fort McHenry

NPS/Tim Ervin
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine is a pet friendly park. Visitors often want to take advantage of the beautiful Baltimore weather, open grounds, and scenic riverside trails to get furry friends out and moving. The National Park Service encourages visitors to walk their pets as part of the Healthy People Healthy Parks initiative. When walking pets at Fort McHenry, make sure to keep in mind the principles of B.A.R.K.:
Bag your pet’s waste. Fort McHenry has several trashcans on site for waste to be properly disposed of once bagged.
Always leash your pet. Pets are required by law to be on six-foot leash under control of their owner.
Respect wildlife. Fort McHenry boasts several species of ducks, geese, snakes, foxes, etc. Make sure pets do not disturb these animals in their natural habitats.
Know where you can go. Pets at Fort McHenry are welcome on the open grounds and trails, however pets are not allowed in any park buildings or the star-fort historic zone (designated by the wooden fence).