Last updated: April 1, 2021
Thing to Do
Hike in Aniakchak's Wilderness

Photo courtesy L. Law
What better way to connect with the wilderness of Alaska than on foot. Traveling through the park on foot affords opportunities for unparalleled exploration and discovery. Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve is a wilderness park without built infrastructure or any trails. Here, you chose your own adventure. The idea of hiking in the wilderness, with no trail to follow, excites some hikers and intimidates others. Visitors may find excellent hiking conditions atop the ash and cinder fields of the caldera floor. Because the Aniakchak landscape also features swift, cold rivers and seemingly impenetrable patches of dense vegetation, the path of least resistance will often be an animal trail. Be sure to make noise as you walk in these conditions to warn wildlife of your approach. Always be bear aware. The possibilities for adventure are limitless for those visitors determined and prepared enough to experience Aniakchak on its own terms.
Those who visit enjoy hiking the caldera floor, rafting Aniakchak River and sport fishing usually work with a guide service.