Thing to Do

Flying to Radio Hill

Cape Krusenstern National Monument

Landscape view of vast green tundra stretching out towards rolling grey hills.

Cape Krusenstern National Monument

Lush tundra landscape with rolling hills in the distance from the top of Radio Hill.
A view from the top of Radio Hill of a vast tundra landscape and the rolling Igichuk Hills.

Photo Credit: Public Domain NPS/E Mesner

Ranger Recommendation

Once you have landed on Radio Hill find a good campsite out of the wind. From there one can do day hikes in any direction. If you're up for a long hike, head to the coast. Searching for muskox? They can be anywhere. In spring, birds abound as they migrate to this luscious land allowing for opportunties to discover rare Eurasian species arriving from Russia and Asia. Don't forget your waterproof footwear and bug repellant. The drainages throughout this area can be marshy and full of mosquitoes in the summer.

Last updated: October 29, 2020