Wandering the Watershed Menu 3: Full Virtual

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Students will use the Lakeshore as a placed-based example of watershed dynamics. Then they will use FREE activity kits and their creativity to design a device to help rangers clean up beaches. 

Each box below is a separate lesson or activity that will be completed sequentially. If this menu does not meet your school’s needs, please check out the other offerings. 

Video lesson – Discover the characteristics of a watershed.
Design challenge – There is a big but TINY problem facing the Great Lakes watershed. Use park provided design kits to help! (In Classroom)
Design challenge reflection and revision (In Classroom) *Optional Live chat with Ranger

To apply:
Pease answer the following questions by copying the below text into an email or word document, inserting your school's information, and then emailing or postal mailing your responses. If you would prefer a PDF version of the forms you can request those via email or phone. 
Email: e-mail us
or postal mail:  
Attn: Education Technician 
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore 
9922 West Front Street 
Empire, MI, 49630. 

Please provide the following information: 

  1. Today’s Date: 

  1. Name of School: 

  1. School Address: 

  1. Name(s) of teacher(s) attending the field trip: 

  1. Teacher's School Phone Number: 

  1. Teacher's School Email: 

  1. Grade(s): 

  1. Number of Students Per Grade: 

  1. Total number of students: 

  1. Estimated number of chaperones: 

  1. Have you brought students to the Lakeshore before? If so, which program did you attend? 

  1. Is your school Title 1? 

  1. Is your school a Tribal school? 

  1. What percent of students receive free/reduced lunch? 

  1. What percent of students are ESL/ELL students? 

  1. Wandering the Watershed Menu Choice (title of this page) 

  1. Special needs or requests: 

  1. Is your school within the Great Lakes Basin? 

  1. Number of Design Kits requested. (1 kit per 5 students). Students will work in groups. 

Last updated: January 18, 2022