Lesson Plan

Geology pt 1: Rockity Rock Rock

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
Common Core Standards:
State Standards:
Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time.
Thinking Skills:
Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words.

Essential Question

What are the three basic types of rocks, and how do they differ in terms of composition and geologic origin?


Students will be able to identify the three basic types of rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic) and basic characteristics of each.


  • Teacher will need to know the three main types of rocks and how they are formed.
  • Teacher will need to know how to play the game “Rockity Rock Rock Rock”
  • Teacher will need to be able to define geology (study of rocks and how they are formed)


  • Variety of samples of all three types of rocks
  • Experience playing and teaching the game “Rockity Rock Rock Rock”
  • White board, markers, photo samples of the three types of rocks


A written summary of the game Rockity Rock Rock Rock.

Download Rockity Rock Rock

Lesson Hook/Preview

Introduce the lesson with the game “Rockity Rock Rock Rock”. Students will be introduced to the three rocks through the game.

Students will be gathering rocks that are within walking distance of their house that they will bring into the classroom during the next lesson.


Step One: Teach the game “Rockity Rock Rock Rock” in which students will be introduced to how Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks are formed:

Assemble the students in a circle. Put yourself in the middle to explain the game.

The person in the middle is trying to get the people on the outside to mess up. There are several ways to do this. The middle person can say “Rock!” to someone on the outside. If that person says anything back, they go in the middle and the previous middle person takes their spot. The middle person can also say “Rockity rock rock rock!” In this case, the person on the outside must say “Rock!” before the middle person finishes their four word phrase. If the outside person fails to say rock in time, they are now in the middle.

Run the game just with “Rock” and “Rockity rock rock rock” for a while.

Now introduce the three rock types slowly. If the correct actions are not performed by the right people before the middle person counts to ten, then whoever messed it up is in the middle. If more than one person messes it up, just pick one.

Igneous- The middle person points to an outside person and says “igneous!” That outside person must raise their arms above their head and make explosion noises. They are the inside of the volcano. The two people to either side of the volcano must form the sides of the volcano and also make the explosion noises.

Metamorphic- The middle person points to an outside person and says “metamorphic!” That outside person must brace themselves because the people on either side of them must squish inwards onto that person. They must all say “heat and pressure, heat and pressure” etc.

Sedimentary- The middle person points to an outside person and says “sedimentary!” That outside person and the two around that outside person must put their hands on top of each other, towards the center, to make layers of sediment. They must say “layers, layers, layers” etc.

In summary, the middle person can say the three rock types and count to ten, or say rock, or say rockity rock rock rock. If the person or people on the outside do not respond appropriately, then they go in the middle.


Step Two: Show and discuss examples of each of the three categories of rock.

Step Three: Discuss where you can find samples of rocks within walking distance to students’ homes.

Step Four: Assessment activity. Divide students into groups of three. One student in each group will draw a slip of paper that says one type of rock (Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary). They will keep their slip hidden and then describe their rock while the other students will correctly identify the rock the student describes.


Igneous Rocks: form when hot, liquid rock, or magma, cools. When this magma slowly cools underground, it forms intrusive igneous rock. Magma that quickly cools aboveground becomes extrusive igneous rock.


Sedimentary Rocks: result when various weathering processes break down other types of rocks into particles, or sediment, or when once-living organisms accumulate. With the help of time and external pressures, these sediments get compacted into sedimentary rock.


Metamorphic Rocks: are created through the metamorphosis, or change, of other types of rocks. This normally happens deep underground where heat, pressure, and chemical activity can actually alter the minerals inside rocks.

Geologists: scientists who study rocks and recognize three major groups of rocks.

Assessment Materials

Teacher observation

Supports for Struggling Learners

Pictures will be provided along with the descriptions of the types of rocks to support visual learning for struggling learners.

Struggling learners may be paired with excelling learners during assessment activity to help with describing their type of rock.

Enrichment Activities

Excelling learners will have the opportunity to come into a class of younger learners to help teach the lesson.

Excelling learners may be able to help lead in rock identification in different groups.

Additional Resources




Related Lessons or Education Materials

This is the first lesson in a three part series on geology of types of rocks.

Contact Information

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Last updated: March 23, 2020