Field Trips

Family Matters: The Life of a Slave Family Pre-Visit Activity

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Social Studies
Common Core Standards:
6.SL.1, 6.SL.1.a, 6.SL.1.b, 6.SL.1.c, 6.SL.1.d, 6.SL.2, 6.SL.3, 7.SL.1, 7.SL.1.a, 7.SL.1.b, 7.SL.1.c, 7.SL.1.d, 7.SL.2, 7.SL.3, 8.SL.1, 8.SL.1.a, 8.SL.1.b, 8.SL.1.c, 8.SL.1.d, 8.SL.2, 8.SL.3, 6-8.WHST.9
State Standards:
College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards: D2.His.5.6-8. Explain how and why perspectives of people have changed over time

Title: Family Matters: Life of a Slave Family
Goal: Prepare students for their visit to the new Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center. 
Background: Born in Maryland, Tubman escaped slavery to freedom in the north, then risked her life to return about 13 times over 10 years to rescue more than 70 people—family members and friends. Tubman became the most famous “conductor” of the secret escape network known as the Underground Railroad and never lost a passenger. 
College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards: D2.His.3.3-5. Generate questions about individuals and groups who have shaped significant historical changes and continuities 
Resources for Instruction: Print an 8x11 copy of the Tubman family photo and cut into four quadrants, 
1. Place students in groups of four. Using the Tubman family photo, distribute one quadrant to each group. Ask students: “What do you notice?” What do you wonder? 
2. Distribute the other three quadrants, ask students to put the pieces together. Give students some time to reflect and discuss. 
3. Five Minute Content. Share with your students no more than five minutes of content, describing the importance of freedom and family to Harriet Tubman. 
4. Answer any questions students might have.


Last updated: December 21, 2016