Distance Learning

Ask a Ranger

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies

Timpanogos Cave National Monument's free distance learning programs offer students an exciting introduction to the science behind the park.

Ask a Ranger provides an opportunity for your classroom to interact with a Timpanogos Cave park ranger through a live and interactive lesson via the Internet. Students will prepare questions ahead of time and spend 30-60 minutes with the ranger discussing Timpanogos Cave geology, biology, conservation and human history, as well as what it's like to be a Park ranger and work for the National Park Service. Program length depends on how many questions the students prepare and the time restraints of the class.

Program Preparation:
Please have your students prepare thoughtful questions prior to your scheduled program. Questions can be e-mailed in advance.

To Register:
Contact us with the grade of your students and an idea of what dates work best for your classroom.

Prior to registration please read about the requirements for connecting to Timpanogos Cave and if you have any questions please contact our Distance Learning Coordinator Annie Brantley via e-mail annie_brantley@nps.gov or by phone. (801)756-5239 ext. 301.

National education standards for this program will vary widely based on the questions the students prepare. 

Last updated: September 29, 2023