Designation is an honorific that recognizes the importance of the U.S. home front during World War II. It's one way to nationally recognize a community as having made significant and important contributions to America's war effort.
A designated jurisdiction receives an official letter informing them of their designation. They're then eligible to apply for permission to use the official program logo.
The National Park Service (NPS) also shares the stories of the designated jurisdictions on its American World War II Heritage City Program website. The place-based web pages include histories, photos, information about visiting designated jurisdictions, and links to other related NPS websites. This helps tie the jurisdictions into the larger story of the WWII home front and helps people appreciate the efforts Americans and their communities made to support the war effort and each other.
Nominating a jurisdiction
Designated World War II Heritage City
All uses of the Logo require permission in writing from the American World War II Heritage City Program. Any designated American World War II Heritage City may request permission to use the Logo.
The Logo may be used only in association with properties, programs, or facilities that are located within a designated American World War II Heritage City. Note: The logo cannot be licensed for commercial use or non-profit fundraising.
Please see our Logo Request and Usage Guidelines (Adobe PDF) for more information on how to request the logo, where to send the request, and logo useage guidance.
Last updated: January 24, 2025