Upcoming Events

Coffee Break

Urban Matters National Network

Urban Matters events are rooted in the 3 Principles of the Urban Agenda - Relevancy for All, Activating One NPS, and Nurturing a Culture of Collaboration. These principles go beyond our urban spaces and apply to all of us, whether we work in a rural or city setting. Conversations emphasize these three principles and explore ways the Park Service can become more relevant to all, work more effectively across its portfolio of parks and programs by activating One NPS, and strengthen a culture of collaboration with communities.

Coffee Break

Coffee Breaks - 30-minute webchats with featured leaders. Learn from the best –join monthly conversations about real, practiced, and proven solutions from experienced professionals. These Q&A style conversations bring professionals together from a variety of sectors and geographies to discuss salient topics in a casual atmosphere with colleagues.

Last updated: October 20, 2016