Lowell National Park

Lowell National Park

Lowell National Historical Park

Lowell National Historical Park has found a way to balance park and community values that leverages the full arsenal of NPS programs with local, state, and federal resources and partnerships.

Lowell's moniker, "the City is the Park and the Park is the City," describes the level of collaboration that has been embedded in Lowell since the park's establishment. The city has attracted more than $1 billion in private investment and nearly 500 buildings have been restored with technical and/or financial assistance from the National Park Service over the park's 36-year history.Programmatic partnerships in cultural heritage, education, and tourism have also been key to revitalization at Lowell. Events co-produced by the Lowell Festival Foundation attracted 100,000 –150,000 people each summer. The award-winning Tsongas Industrial Center and the Center for Lowell History, managed in collaboration with University of Massachusetts Lowell, have been essential to the park's success in historic research and education.

Last updated: September 11, 2014