
stamp commemorating lewis & clark expedition
Preparing an Expedition

Discover how the Lewis & Clark Expedition came to be, and how they prepared for the journey West

1871 photograph of Nez Perce in Montana
The Journey

Learn about how the Expedition unfolded, and how Native peoples helped the Corps of Discovery reach their destination

1954 stamp commemorating the lewis & clark expedition
The Return

The Corps of Discovery had made it to the Pacific Ocean. Learn about their return east, and the lives of Lewis and Clark afterwards

group of boys at the carlisle indian school
The Expedition's Impact

The Expedition was notable for it's contributions to science, but it also had a profound impact on indigenous populations

drawing and description of a sage grouse from Clark's journal
Scientific Encounters

The Lewis & Clark Expedition made significant contributions to science, cartography, and the understanding of western North America

Last updated: October 25, 2017


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