
Ecosystem Services and Cultural Values as Building Blocks for ‘The Good Life’. A Case Study in the Community of Røst, Lofoten Islands, Norway
By: Bjørn P. Kaltenborn, John D.C. Linnell , Erik Gómez Baggethun, Henrik Lindhjem,
Jørn Thomassen, & Kai M. Chan

Ecological Economics, 140:166-176
Key words: Ecosystem Services, Cultural Values, Well-Being, The Good Life Lofoten, Norway
Authors examined the contribution of natural capital and social capital through the notion of cultural ecosystem services to shaping human well-being in the fishing community of Røst in the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway. Through ethnographic observations, in-depth interviews, and a participatory scenario workshop they develop four narratives centering on the links of nature and ecosystem services.

Doing is Learning: Analysis of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Adapt TEK/IK Methodology to Norwegian Sámi Circumstances
By: Gro B. Ween & Jan Age Riseth
Acta Borealia, 28(2):228-242
Key words: Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge, Southern Sámi National Parks, Empowerment
This article describes a case where an attempt was made to introduce TEK/IK into a conflict between Sámi reindeer owners and environmental institutions. The conflict was brought on by the establishment of a national park in Southern Sámi areas in Norway. As researchers well-established in the Southern Sámi area, the authors were brought into conversations regarding the park as the local reindeer owners searched for ways of bringing new arguments into the process.

Last updated: June 26, 2020