Intertribal: The Unheralded Element in Indigenous Wildlife Sovereignty
By: Bethany R. Berger
Harvard Environmental Law Review Vol. 48, No. 1
Key words: Sovereignty, fish, buffalo, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, e Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC), e Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC), Inter-Tribal Buffalo Council (ITBC)
This article discusses three ways intertribal organizations can be established to collectively address mutual tribal concerns and how these organizations can advance tribal sovereignty in ways that may be difficult for a single tribe to do. The author uses three examples of intertribal fish and wildlife organizations that have been successful in this endeavor.
Actualizing Indigenous Knowledge in tribal wildlife management: basic preconditions
By: Tony Ciocco, Stefan Tangen, Chad Smith
The Wildlife Society
First published: 12 June 2023
Key words: Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge, Tribal Wildlife Management, funding, sovereignty, cultural resources, stakeholder support
This article provides background on IK, Tribal Wildlife Management (TWM) and its intersection with the North American model, various funding sources with comparison to states funding, explanation of sovereignty, the potential for collaboration with Tribal Historic Preservation Officers or Cultural Directors, and the impact stakeholders can have on TWM.
Two-Eyed Seeing: Science & Traditional Ecological Knowledge
By: California Academy of Sciences
August 3, 2022
Key words: Yurok Tribe, Café Ohlone, ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, Amah Mutsun Land Trust, and The Cultural Conservancy, climate change, sustainability, TEK, Western Science
The importance of incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into solutions for addressing climate change is explored through Native American and Native Hawaiian Organization perspectives. Combining TEK and western science is what is called two-eyed seeing. This is a short video produced through the California Academy of Sciences in partnership with the Yurok Tribe, Café Ohlone, ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, Amah Mutsun Land Trust, and The Cultural Conservancy.
Fish Programs – Health Approaches with Tribes and Indigenous Peoples
By: Shari Barash, Sharon Frey, Lisa Larimer Jerome Kekiwi Jr., Karin Osuga, Danny Gogal
April 27, 2022
Key words: Indigenous peoples, Maui Nui Makai Network, Hawaii, East Maui, EPA Fish Advisory, water sovereignty, fish, traditional ecological knowledge and lifeways, community planning, community farm
Fish are highly important to many people. The EPA partners with tribes and Indigenous communities to develop collaborative plans for sustainable fish programs. In this webinar, the EPA presents on their fish advisory and fish tissue monitoring programs, which are important for people to stay informed. Jerome Kekiwi Jr. And Karin Osuga then present how dewatering, excess visitors, and over-fishing have seriously harmed everyday life and the very food the local, indigenous peoples rely on. They discuss how Maui Nui Makai Network, a non-profit organization, collaborates with communities to promote traditional and customary practices and values.
Indigenous feminism flows through the fight for water rights on the Rio Grande
By: Christine Trudeau, Kalen Goodluck
High Country News
January 1, 2022
Key words: Sandoval County, New Mexico, Santa Ana Pueblo, Sandia Pueblo, Rio Grande, Rio Grande pueblos, Pueblo Action Alliance, water rights, policy, traditional ecological knowledge, Indigenous environmental justice
The Rio Grande, and water in general, is central to Puebloan culture. Julia Bernal, enrolled Sandia Pueblo member, has watched the Rio Grande change for the worst. She and an intergenerational group of women have formed the Pueblo Action Alliance to advocate for Indigenous water rights. This group and many others like it also fight for legal recognition over water and desire to lead state and federal government policy formation regarding these topics.
Bridging Knowledge Systems for Nearshore Monitoring and Climate Change
By: Emily Mansur, Elisha Jones, Sara Smith, Robert Croll, Deb King
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, University of Minnesota
June 30, 2021
Key Words: Canada, United States, Saugeen Ojebway Nation, Potawatomi, Odawa, Ojibwe, Pays Plat First Nation, Menominee, Lake Superior, Saugeen Peninsula, Maitland River, Nottwasaga River, Thunder Bay, traditional ecological knowledge, Indigenous Peoples, western science, climate change
This is the sixth and last presentation in the Great Lakes TEK Speaker Series. First, Emily and Elisha present the Coastal Waters Monitoring Program and Saugeen Ojebway Nation’s work during the program and how they anticipate it moving forward. Deb King discusses Pays Plat First Nation’s participation in the Great Lakes Protection Initiative, how this has helped to create their own Climate Change Adaptation Plan, and advice on building relationships. Sara Smith and Robert Croll end the presentation section on the Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad, or the Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu (TAM) and their work towards creating a culturally appropriate adaptation planning toll that integrated Indigenous knowledge, culture, science, and perspectives with those from Western science and perspectives.
Braiding Ways of Knowing: Theory/ Method/ Ethics
By: Jessica Koski, Andrew Preston, Deborah McGregor, Kelsey Leonard, Neil Patterson, Jr.
Great Lakes TEK Speaker Series
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, University of Minnesota
June 2, 2021
Key words: Akwesasne, Anishinaabe, the United States, Canada, the Great Lakes, Water Walkers, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous knowledge, western science, policy, collaboration, academia, environmental management, community
Deborah, Kelsey, and Neil present on how they are applying their work on building theory and methodologies and articulating ethics that will inform best practices in First Nations and tribal communities. Deborah’s presentation, “Great Lakes TEK and ethical Engagement Approaches: from Knowledge Extraction to Knowledge Sharing,” goes over some levels of traditional knowledge, key community considerations, and emphasizes that TEK exists as its own unique system. Kelsey presents “Sacred Waters: Walking for the Water” and discuses the important work done by Water Walkers. Neil’s presentation is called “Roles and Values of Indigenous Frameworks” and speaks on the responsibilities towards caretaking for the land, bringing the community to work together, and the importance of the role of fitting into life cycles.
Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge in Integrated Land Use Planning
By: Reconciling Ways of Knowing; Dahti Tsetso, Larry Innes, Dr. Monique Dubé, JP Gladu, Paul Griss
May 26, 2021
Key Words: Indigenous Knowledge (IK), First Nations, Canada, land use, environmental health, collaboration
In this webinar, Reconciling Ways of Knowing partners with Canada Land Resource Innovations to talk about the intersectionality of nationhood, land use management, and Indigenous Knowledge. Speakers Dahti Tsetso, Larry Innes, Dr. Monique Dubé, JP Gladu, and Paul Griss discuss their experience and knowledge of collaboration in Canada. Following this dialogue is an open question period for the speakers to share further thoughts.
Territories of Life- 2021 Report
By: ICCA Consortium
Key words: Indigenous peoples, biodiversity, Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, climate change, codification, conservation
The “Territories of Life” report is broken down into four parts. After presenting the reports key findings and conclusions, the authors delve into territorial case studies, 5 from Africa, 4 from the Americas, 7 from Asia, and 1 from Europe. The report then expands to an analysis of the status of territories on a regional and national level and finally takes a global perspective with its spatial analysis. A “territory of life” is a “territor[y] or area conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities.” The goal of the report is to demonstrate the biodiversity that Indigenous peoples and local communities play an outsized role in maintaining through the conservation of these territories of life. The protection and enhancement of this biodiversity is pivotal to mitigating the worst of climate change. Additionally, the report advocates for the recognition and codification of these territories by national governments and international organizations. The overlap with traditional ecological knowledge here is mainly through traditional management practices and the transfer of knowledge through generations. By supporting these aspects of TEK, Indigenous peoples and local communities have increased self-determination and target levels of biodiversity have a better chance of being reached and even surpassed.
How Indigenous and Local Communities are at the Forefront of Biodiversity Conservation and Territorial Protection
By: Konrad Hentze
Land Portal
Keywords: Land Rights; conservation; biodiversity; local
This article highlights key case studies, findings, and recommendations made in the 2021 Territories of Life report from the Indigenous Peoples’ & Community Conserved Territories & Area Consortium (ICCA). The ICCA is a “global non-profit association supporting indigenous and local communities to govern their territories.” The article uses interactive maps to explore example case studies of local communities’ roles in environmental conservation from Iran, Tanzania, and South Africa. Additionally, these maps allow exploration of findings from the larger reports global spatial analysis. The article concludes with a presentation of the report’s five recommendations to support and enhance local community conservation efforts.
Recognizing Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights and agency in the post-2020 Biodiversity Agenda
By: Reyes-Garcıa et al.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
May 18, 2021
Keywords: Convention on Biological Diversity, Indigenous peoples, local communities, sovereignty, agency, Indigenous knowledge, Western science, biodiversity loss, policy
This paper encourages the Convention for Biological Diversity to incorporate and better support Indigenous peoples and local communities in the formation of global biodiversity policy. Biodiversity is rapidly declining so transformative reorganization is needed world-wide while the window of opportunity is still available. This can be accomplished by including Indigenous peoples and local communities in policy-making.
New UN report shows evidence that Indigenous and Tribal Peoples are the best guardians of the forests of Latin America and the Caribbean
Land Portal
March 25, 2021
Keywords: Latin America, Caribbean, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, forests, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Western science
A section of Forest Governance by Indigenous and Tribal Peoples report shows that indigenous and tribal peoples are better at managing and protecting their forests compared to surrounding areas not under their guardianship. This conclusion is based on hundreds of studies published over the last two decades. Based on these findings, the report advises including Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in a bigger role in forest governance and revitalizing traditional cultures and knowledge.
The Rebirth of a Historic River
Retitled article: The largest dam-removal in US history
By: Alexander Matthews
November 10, 2020
Key words: dam removal, salmon fisheries, Yurok Tribe, Klamath River
Many of the major rivers in the United States have been dammed to provide hydro-electric power, flood control, irrigation water and the like without regard to the functioning ecosystems they desecrate. The Yurok Tribe has been successful in negotiating for the removal of four dams on the Klamath River to restore the salmon fisheries for which their ancestors for millennia have depended for sustenance.
Shuttling between Land and Sea: Contemporary Practices among Amis Spearfishing Men as a Foundation for Local Marine-Area Management
By: Futuru C. L. Tsai
September 20, 2020
Key words: Taiwan, A’tolan, Amis people, freediving spearfishing, community-based natural-resource management (CBNRM), traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), co-management, marine knowledge, conservation, sustainability, sovereignty, autonomy
The freediving spearfishing practice among coastal Amis people is a way of life important for ritual ceremonies. In this paper, this practice is also argued to be important for local marine conservation. Near-shore and coastal marine areas knowledge could lead to co-management practices between the Amis people and Taiwanese government.
Another Way of Knowing: Indian Tribes, Collaborative Management & Public Lands (webinar)
Hosted by: Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment at Colorado Law
August 25, 2020
Keywords: Co-management, lands, water, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Western science, law, Bears Ears, Grand Canyon, Devils Tower
Panelists include: Daniel Cordalis, Jim Enote, and Charles Wilkinson. They discuss how tribes can be involved with federal agencies for the collaborative management of of public lands, using western and Indigenous knowledges. The panelists provide examples and recommendations.
Putting People Back into Wilderness
By: Maxwell Forton, Binghamton University
Preservation Archaeology Blog
July 9, 2020
Key words: Wilderness Act of 1964, Gila Wilderness, John Muir, Native Americans, western bias, removal, stewardship, human legacy
This thoughtful and forthright blog speaks to the removal of American Indians from their ancestral lands to call the land "wilderness." Such a designation does not remove the on-the-ground legacy of occupation, use and stewardship. It is demeaning and dehumanizing to the peoples who inhabited the areas.
Climate action and sustainability: Indigenous peoples are part of the solution
By: Oluwatobiloba Moody
March 2020
Key words: Indigenous peoples, climate, sustainability, traditional ecological knowledge, Brundtland Commission, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity, Nagoya Protocol
This article highlights a number of international agreements that point to the inclusion of Indigenous peoples for addressing climate change while acknowledging challenges that need to be addressed, such as absence of legal frameworks, disinterest of key decision-makers, lack of documentation of traditional ecological knowledge, from which intellectual property issues arise.
Traditional ecological knowledge in innovation governance: a framework for responsible and just innovation
By: David Ludwig and Phil Macnaghten
Oct. 20, 2019
Journal of Responsible Innovation
Keywords: Traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous knowledge, AIRR framework, just innovation, global justice
Connects TEK to shifting meanings of ‘innovation' that emphasize contributions to societal goals rather than economic growth or technological modernization. Situates these shifts in governance frameworks of ‘responsible innovation’. Argues that the case for self-determination of traditional communities also identifies limits of integrating TEK with recent innovation discourses.
How the Karuk Tribe fights a growing wildfire threat and a lack of funding: Surrounded by forests they often can't manage without breaking the law, California Tribes struggle to protect themselves from wildfires.
By: Laurence Du Sault
March 12, 2019
Key words: California, conservation, Karuk Tribe, sustainability, land rights, stewardship, fire
The article discusses the uphill battle that the Karuk Tribe in California face with the increasing numbers of wild fires. The Karuk are prohibited in many cases from using their traditional ecological knowledge of forest management through burning in the areas surrounding their homes. Due to their cultural construction of their wooden homes, they face issues with insuring their dwellings in case of fire. The article discusses the battle for the tribe to get funding to allow their Natural Resource Department to be continuously funded to help put out the fires that threaten the tribe.
How Conservation became Colonialism: Indigenous people, not environmentalists, are the key to protecting the world’s most precious ecosystems
By: Alexander Zaitchik
July 16, 2018
Key words: Ecuador, conservation, green colonialism, sustainability, land rights, stewardship, mining
The article highlights conservation issues like illegal mining, deforestation, and pollution that befall indigenous groups like the Cofán in Ecuador. Governments often do not have the resources to be able to adequately protect the environments, but environmentalists’ opinions may differ from indigenous means of stewardship.
Investing in indigenous communities is most efficient way to protect forests, report finds
By: Cory Rogers
Mongabay News & Inspiration from Nature's Frontline
July 2, 2018
Key words: Forests, Indigenous peoples, biodiversity, conservation, protected areas, U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The report finds that Indigenous people are doing a better job and are cost-effective at managing forests than placing the forests into protected status.
Tribes and Indigenous Peoples
Fourth National Climate Assessment (Chapter 15)
By: Rachael Novak, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs; Lesley Jantarasami, Oregon Department of Energy; Roberto Delgado, National Institutes of Health; Elizabeth Marino, Oregon State University-Cascades; Shannon McNeeley, North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center and Colorado State University; Chris Narducci, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Julie Raymond-Yakoubian, Kawerak, Inc.; Loretta Singletary, University of Nevada, Reno; Kyle Powys Whyte, Michigan State University
U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)
Keywords: Traditional Ecological Knowledge, policy, climate change, economics, adaptations.
Climate change can threaten the livelihoods of Indigenous people disproportionately. They may also face significant legal and logistical barriers to implementing their own policies toward climate change. Indigenous knowledge can shed light on cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena. Included is an interactive map of tribal climate initiatives.
Biodiversity sector must acknowledge traditional knowledge holders
By: Marie-Ann Daloia
CSI & Sustainability News
March 8, 2018
Key words: Africa, traditional knowledge, benefits sharing, biodiversity
Environmental Affairs Minister Dr. Edna Molewa speaks about the new National Biodiversity Economy Strategy, which is about promoting partnerships between communities, industry and the public sector for the equitable sharing of benefits.
Indigenous Peoples’ Concern for Environment: Examining the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
By: Smiriti Sabbarwal
Fourth World Journal, 15(2):27-39
Key words: Indigenous Peoples, IUCN, NGOs, climate change, biodiversity;dn=654984649893843;res=IELIND
The present paper aims to analyze the role played by NGOs in highlighting the indigenous peoples’ issues related to the environment at the international level. This is done by examining the multitude of functions carried out by NGOs such as lobbying, advocacy, and networking, through which many of the serious environmental issues faced by indigenous peoples such as degradation of biodiversity, burning of forests on a large scale, and misuse of their traditional knowledge were addressed by NGOs.
Indigenous knowledge systems can help solve the problems of climate change
by Teila Watson
The Guardian
June 1, 2017
Key words: climate change, Australia
This article speaks to the knowledgel held by indigenous Australians and how it could be used to address environmental concerns today.
Tending the Wild: The Idea of Wilderness Erases Native People. Here’s how to Fix it
By: Chris Clarke
Jan. 31, 2017
Key words: Wilderness, natural, Native people, Spanish contact, legislation, Wilderness Act, maintenance
The concept of Wilderness, as defined in the 1964 Wilderness Act, erases the presence of Native peoples who had been on the lands the Spanish saw as “pristine;” they had been interacting with and shaping those landscapes for millennia. In fact, no land is now untouched by human activities, as smog and pesticides travel in the air and invasive species have been introduced. The traditional ecological knowledge of Native peoples goes hand-in-hand with “wilderness” and could make the environments healthier, although they are barred from maintaining them now.
Indigenous Biology: Colonization sought to separate us from nature
by Ruth Hopkins
Indian Country Media Network
December 17, 2016
Key words: Natural resource management, western science, indicator species, United States
This opinion article discusses the importance of TEK in natural resource management and conservation. It focuses on ways in which, what Western biologists refer as indicator species (organisms that are ideal for biomonitoring), jibe with indigenous views towards the presence of certain species in certain ecosystems. Within indigenous biology, such species (as with indicator species) are indicators of both the ecological and spiritual health of that ecosystem.
The Human Element of Mangrove Management
By: Stephen Brooks
Key words: Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, mangroves, shoreline ecosystem management, legal jurisdiction, management policies
Mangroves are often protected areas because they are highly productive ecosystems that act as a shield against storms and shoreline erosion. These ecosystems frequently straddle multiple areas of legal jurisdiction, and their protection can be legally complicated and underfunded. Examples in the article show how community-based resource management can create better management policies.
Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge Systems into Collaborative Governance for Water: Challenges and Opportunities
By: Suzanne Von Der Porten, Rob C. De Loe, & Deb McGregor
Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(1):214-243
Key words: Collaborative water governance, Indigenous governance, Indigenous knowledge systems, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, water governance, Canada
The importance of Indigenous knowledge systems for environmental decision-making is now widely recognized. In the context of collaborative approaches to environmental governance, scholars and practitioners have recognized that Western knowledge is not sufficient, and that ideas, practices, and knowledge from Indigenous peoples is essential. Collaborative environmental governance practice tends to make assumptions about how Indigenous knowledge systems can be incorporated into decision-making without reflecting satisfactorily on contrasting perspectives of Indigenous peoples themselves; these perspectives are partially captured in the Indigenous governance literature.
A Tribal Model of Wildlife Stewardship: Native Americans tap into traditional practices to manage forests
by Serra J. Hoagland
The Wildlife Professional, Vol 10(6) November/December
Key words: Wildlife stewardship, United States, forest management, U.S. Forest Service, TEK
This article looks at ways in which Native American tribes use traditional practices and frameworks for natural resource management. With holistic approaches that promote long-term stewardship (concepts guiding many ecosystem management strategies today), the article explains the value of traditional management practices and how they align with, and inform and support the work of resource management agencies like the U.S. Forest Service, and the importance of such partnerships.
Why the Native American pipeline resistance in North Dakota is about climate justice
Discusses Native American resistance to the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline as related to broader conversations of climate Justice and indigenous peoples. The article gives historical context to past resource extraction projects which have adversely affected Native American communities and encourages the reader to consider this broader context.
Environmental Governance for All: Involving local and indigenous populations is key to effective environmental governance
By: EDUARDO BRONDIZIO, Department of Anthropology, Center for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Landscapes, and Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA. FRANCOIS-MICHEL LE TOURNEAU, Center for Research and Documentation on the Americas, Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle University and CNRS, 75007 Paris, France. Institut des Ameriques, 92170 Vanves, France.
Science, Vol. 352, Issue 6291, pp. 1272-1273;DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf5122
10 Jun 2016
Keywords: Climate change, stakeholder engagement, conservation strategies
This article talks about the importance of engaging local and indigenous stakeholders in environmental governance. The article discusses strategies for engagement and the reasons why local and indigenous inclusion in environmental management is key to climate change mitigation.
What does "First Nations deep roots in the forests" mean?
Identification of principles and objectives for promoting forest-based development
By: Janette Beilkan, Harry Nelson, Ronald Trosper and Stephen Wyatt
NRC Research Press, 46:508-519
January 5, 2016
Key words: Forest management, Quebec, sustainable development, Essipit Innu
This article discusses the involvement of the Essipit Innu with the forestry service as well as the logging companies in Quebec. The article looks to create a sustainable model for the forest with the incorporation of traditional knowledge. Through the conducting of interviews both in French and the traditional language, the authors were able to identify main objectives the Essipit wish to see forestry service and logging industry to adopt.
Shifting Cultivation and Environmental Change: Indigenous People, Agriculture and Forest Conservation, First edition
By: Malcolm F. Cairns, editor
Key words: agriculture, strategies, adaptations, biodiversity, climate change, Asia, Pacific Islands, forest management, crops, cultivation
With 50 chapters written by scholars from diverse fields including anthropology, ecology, and economics, the book is an excellent resource for those interested in agricultural strategies of Indigenous peoples and their adaptations for protecting biodiversity and dealing with changing climatic conditions. Authors explore swiddens, management of fallow lands, agroforestry, plant genetic diversity, flooding, island environments, shifting cultivation, and commodity crops with geographic focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
Reconciling Ecological and Social Justice to Promote Biodiversity Conservation
By: Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet & Helen Kopnina
Biological Conservation, 194:320-26
Key words: Anthropocentrism, conservation, ecological justice, environmental justice
In this article the authors focus upon a division between generalized schools of philosophical and ethical thought about culture and conservation. There is an ongoing debate playing out over conservation between those who believe conservation threatens community livelihoods and traditional practices, and those who believe conservation is essential to protect nonhuman species from the impact of human development and population growth.
Earth Stewardship: An Initiative by the Ecological Society of America to Foster Engagement to Sustain Planet Earth (Chapter 12)
By: F. Stuart Chapin III, S. T. A. Pickett, Mary E. Power, Scott L. Collins, Jill S. Baron, David W. Inouye, & Monica G. Turner
Ecology and Ethics, 2:173-193
Key words: Earth Stewardship Initiative, Ecological Society of America, interdisciplinary integration, practitioner engagement, sustainability
The Ecological Society of America (ESA) has responded to the growing commitment among ecologists to make their science relevant to society through a series of concerted efforts. The goal of the Earth Stewardship Initiative is to raise awareness and to explore ways for ecologists and other scientists to contribute more effectively to the sustainability of our planet. This chapter focuses in on the Earth Stewardship Initiative integrating some Traditional Ecological Knowledge.
Auditing Environmental and Social Performance of Forest Management Relative to Native Rights An Appeal for Multidisciplinary Aid
By: Lloyd C. Irland & Marie Gunning
Technical Report
Keywords: Green Certification, Indigenous rights, third party forestry auditing, multidisciplinary aid
Third party auditing, often referred to as "green certification", is a growing factor in the slow movement toward motivating and assuring implementation of more sustainable forest management practices. The system that devotes the most thorough consideration to Native rights is that of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Some specific areas that can prove problematic in field auditing include: accurately defining native rights; identifying indigenous peoples; determining Native spokespersons, assuring "meaningful" consultation, limited ethnobotanical resources, and evaluating traditional ecological knowledge.
Traditional ecological knowledge and environmental governance in Canada: the role of law and comprehensive agreements in facilitating incorporation
By: Matthew Stephen Pudovskis
The University of British Columbia
Key words: Environmental Impact Assessments, co-management regimes, respectful incorporation, Canada, land claim agreements, legal framework
Comprehensive land claim agreements in Canada may involve environmental impact assessments. It is within this context the author explores the role of TEK in environmental governance, and how it fits within the legal frameworks.
Restoring Fire as an Ecological Process
By: Sierra Forest Legacy
National Forests in the Sierra Nevada: A Conservation Strategy (Section IV, part A)
Key words: Mixed conifer, chaparral-dominated ecosystems, air quality, fuel management, co-management
This document outlines the goals and desired metrics the Sierra Forest Legacy would like to see applied in the Sierra Nevada regarding prescribed and cultural fire. As an independent coalition of partners, the Sierra Forest Legacy makes policy recommendations that unite multiple agencies and stakeholders for preservation efforts. Notably they put an emphasis on cultural fire and the protection and enhancement of culturally important species.
Navigating the Knowledge Interface: Fishers and Biologists Under Co-Management in Chile
By: Sarah Schumann
Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal, 24(11):1174-1188
Key words: Co-management, fisheries management, fishermen’s ecological knowledge, local knowledge, small-scale fisheries
This article examines similarities and differences between the biological and ecological knowledge of small-scale fishers and the professional biologists assigned to work with them under a co-management program for shellfish in Chile.
Ensuring Equitable Distribution of Land in Ghana: Spirituality or Policy? A Case Study from the Forest-Savanna Agroecological Zone of Ghana
By: Samuel Awuah-Nyamekye & Paul Sarfo-Mensah
The International Indigenous Policy, 2(4)
Key words: Land distribution, customary laws, spirituality of land, Indigenous people, policy reforms
This article explores the pent-up question of equitable distribution of land in Ghana using the Forest-Savanna Agroecological Zone as a case study. It focuses on the dichotomy of policy versus indigenous spirituality in contemporary distribution of land in Ghana. After independence several attempts have been made to restructure land title holding in Ghana by way of land registration. The effectiveness of these attempts is also examined.
Indigenous Peoples and the Collaborative Stewardship of Nature: Knowledge Binds and Institutional Conflicts
By: Ann Ross, Kathleen Pickering, Jeffrey Snodgrass, Henry Delcore and Richard Sherman
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA
Keywords: Indigenous epistemologies, The Indigenous Stewardship Model, co-management, case studies
This book looks at indigenous natural resource management practices across the world focusing on case studies from the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, the Adiavasi in Northern India, and the Lakota people in South Dakota. This book looks primarily at strategies for the co-management of natural resources of natural resources between indigenous peoples and other groups and their shortcomings historically. The book then examines areas of conflict in co-management and suggests a new management strategy called the indigenous stewardship model.
Diversity in Current Ecological Thinking: Implications for Environmental Management
By: Susan A Moore, Tabatha J. Wallington, Richard J. Hobbs, Paul R. Ehrlich, C. S. Holling, Simon Levin, David Lindenmayer, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Hugh Possingham, Monica G. Turner, & Mark Westoby
Environmental Management, 43:17-27
Key words: Contingency, landscape ecology, non-equilibrium ecology, Policy Delphi Survey, succession, uncertainty
Current ecological thinking emphasizes that systems are complex, dynamic, and unpredictable across space and time. What is the diversity in interpretation of these ideas among today’s ecologists, and what does this mean for environmental management? This study used a Policy Delphi survey of ecologists to explore their perspectives on a number of current topics in ecology.
The Governance of Nature and the Nature of Governance: Policy that works for Biodiversity and Livelihoods
By: Krystyna Swiderska
International Institute for Environment and Development
Key words: Rural poverty, rural livelihoods, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), India, Tanzania, Peru
This lengthy report criticizes top-down exclusionary conservation approaches in their failure to meaningfully incorporate indigenous populations in the face of increasing biodiversity loss. Primarily the focus of the article is on the lack of community-based resource management inclusion into larger scales of management programs. Case studies are included from the following countries: India, Tanzania and Peru.
The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Biodiversity Conservation: The Natural but Often Forgotten Partners
By: Claudia Sobrevila
The World Bank
Keywords: Collaborative conservation, co-management, capacity building
A principal aim of this study is to get a better sense of what the World Bank needs to know in order to engage Indigenous Peoples more effectively in biodiversity conservation projects and programs. It is in this sense that the reporting is geared to Bank Task Team leaders, advisors, directors, and managers and also government and nongovernmental organization personnel engaged in biodiversity conservation programs. Indigenous peoples might also benefit from the report´s presentation of tools to seeking international funding for biodiversity-related activities in their ancestral territories.
Social forestry: An analysis of Indonesian forestry policy
By: Herb Thompson
Journal of Contemporary Asia
Key words: Corporate influence, logging, theory vs practice, Indonesia
Social forestry arose in response to the widespread crisis of resource loss around the 1980s. In practice, social forestry hasn’t always led to ideal land management partnerships, and all too often use the traditional communities as scape goats. In this discussion of Indonesian forestry policy, the author makes recommendations on how to move towards a more equitable partnership model.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Restoration Practices
By: Rene Senos, Frank K. Lake, Nancy Turner, & Dennis Martinez
In Apostol, Dean & Sinclair, Marcia, eds. Restoring the Pacific Northwest: The Art and Science of Ecological Restoration in Cascadia. Washington, DC : Island Press: 393-426. Chapter 17
Key words: Ecological restoration, environmental degradation, Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Ecological restoration is a process, a directed action aimed at repairing damage to ecocultural systems for which humans are responsible. Environmental degradation has impaired the functioning of both ecological and cultural systems and disrupted traditional practices that maintained these systems over several millennia. Indigenous and local peoples who depend on the integrity and productivity of their immediate environment more than the global, urbanized society are directly affected by ecosystem damage. Despite this clear connection between cultural and ecological integrity, however, the knowledge and interests of indigenous peoples typically are not considered in attempts to restore degraded ecosystems.
Aboriginal forestry in Canada
By: Parsons, R.; Prest, G.
The Forestry Chronicle
Key words: Aboriginal forestry, consultation, legal frameworks, Canada
Aboriginal forestry includes a combination of cultural protocols and a consideration for future generations. This article discusses the intersection of traditional land management and the modern legal landscape related to forestry.
Introduction: Theme Issue: Native American Land Management Practices in National Parks
Ecological Restoration, 21:245-246;doi:10.3368/er.21.4.245
December 2003
Keywords: Defining nature, cultural landscapes, nature-culture divide
Discusses the history of Native Americans in National Parks. Discusses the epistemological divide between Western and Native American concepts of environmental preservation and land management. Talks about the role that indigenous land management practices have in ecosystem restoration and introduces case studies.
Native American Practices in National Parks: A Debate: Facing a New Ecosystem Management Paradigm for National Parks
by David M. Graber
Ecological Restoration, 21:264-268;doi:10.3368/er.21.4.264
December 2003
Keywords: National parks policy, national parks history, Native American practices
This article talks about the evolution and history of the National Parks from their up until the time of the article. It discusses how policy and the thinking of National Parks Leadership have shaped the ways that National Parks have been managed. The article also looks at the role that Native Americans have played historically in managing lands that are now National Parks through fires at regular intervals. From this history, the author explores how these practices could evolve into different future land management scenarios and what that will mean for National Parks land.
Native American Practices in National Parks: A Debate: Simulated Indigenous Management: A New Model for Ecological Restoration in National Parks
by M. Kat Anderson and Michael G. Barbour
Ecological Restoration, 21:269-277;doi:10.3368/er.21.4.269
December 2003
Keywords: Ecological restoration, ecological disturbance, Indigenous management
This article talks about how certain areas of National Parks have historically interacted with Native Americans and how the ecological disturbances caused by this interaction have actually been beneficial and formative in the current makeup of the ecosystem. The author discusses the ways that actual and simulated indigenous involvement with the land in certain Nation Park areas can aid in ecological restoration.
Indigenous knowledge in sustainable forest management: Community-based approaches achieve greater success
By: Deborah McGregor
The Forestry Chronicle
Key words: Native values mapping, Aboriginal forestry, sustainable communities, Canada
Within Ontario’s new forest management planning process aboriginal participants feel that their inclusion in the process is lacking. Both aboriginal and non-aboriginal participants often replied that the results of a project were often better when control and nature of information sharing was given entirely to the aboriginal parties.
Evicting People from Nature: Indigenous Land Rights and National Parks in Australia, Russia, and the United States
By: Robert Poirier & David Ostergren
Natural Resources Journal, 42:331
Key words: Indigenous people, protecting wild areas, Australia, United States, Russia
The authors compare Australia, the United States, and Russia to provide a cross section of political and cultural circumstances impacting indigenous people as these countries recognize the value of protecting wild natural areas. All three nations initiated protected area systems in the late 1800s that excluded indigenous populations. Throughout most of the 1900s, indigenous peoples were separated from the land by legal, political, and cultural barriers. They conclude by demonstrating that within the context of international agreements, all three nations have slowly recognized the rights of indigenous peoples and their role within, or next to, national park lands.
Land use research and the duty to consult: a misrepresentation of the aboriginal landscape
By: David Natcher
Land Use Policy
Key words: Resource development, Aboriginal rights, Land use, co-management, empowerment, Canada
Previously developed aboriginal land use studies are more frequently being used as a form of consultation by industrial developers and, to a lesser extent, Canadian government. This article is questioning the practice on the basis of methodological limitations and the resulting cultural misrepresentation.
Last updated: June 26, 2024