PENDING (Not Yet Acted Upon) LIST
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before May 13, 2023
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address / Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number.
Kern County
Midway-Sunset Jack Plant
25296 CA 33, approx. 1 mi. south of Derby Acres
Fellows vicinity, SG100009058
District of Columbia
Smothers Elementary School
(Public School Buildings of Washington, DC MPS)
4400 Brooks St. NE
Washington, MP100009057
Delaware County
Radnor Township Hall
4425 OH 203
Radnor, SG100009061
Lorain County
Lorain Carnegie Public Library
329 West 10th St.
Lorain, SG100009060
Coos County
Liberty Theatre
2100 Sherman Ave.
North Bend, SG100009056
Multnomah County
Pepper, Jim, House
10809 NE Fremont St.
Portland, SG100009051
Marshall, Dr. John D., Building
(African American Resources in Portland, Oregon, from 1851 to 1973 MPS)
2337 North Williams Ave.
Portland, MP100009052
Wasco County
Wasco Warehouse & Milling Company Hydroelectric Project Historic District
White River Rd. and Sherars Bridge Hwy. (OR 216)
Maupin vicinity, SG100009054
Howard County
Big Spring Downtown Historic District
Roughly bounded by 1st, Goliad, 6th, and South Gregg Sts.
Big Spring, SG100009055
Pulaski County
Pulaski High School
500 Pico Ter.
Pulaski, SG100009049
A request for removal has been made for the following resource:
Clark County
Old Boulder City Hospital
701 Park Pl.
Boulder City, OT82003211
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: May 17, 2023.
Sherry A Frear,
National Register of Historic Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before May 13, 2023
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address / Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number.
Kern County
Midway-Sunset Jack Plant
25296 CA 33, approx. 1 mi. south of Derby Acres
Fellows vicinity, SG100009058
District of Columbia
Smothers Elementary School
(Public School Buildings of Washington, DC MPS)
4400 Brooks St. NE
Washington, MP100009057
Delaware County
Radnor Township Hall
4425 OH 203
Radnor, SG100009061
Lorain County
Lorain Carnegie Public Library
329 West 10th St.
Lorain, SG100009060
Coos County
Liberty Theatre
2100 Sherman Ave.
North Bend, SG100009056
Multnomah County
Pepper, Jim, House
10809 NE Fremont St.
Portland, SG100009051
Marshall, Dr. John D., Building
(African American Resources in Portland, Oregon, from 1851 to 1973 MPS)
2337 North Williams Ave.
Portland, MP100009052
Wasco County
Wasco Warehouse & Milling Company Hydroelectric Project Historic District
White River Rd. and Sherars Bridge Hwy. (OR 216)
Maupin vicinity, SG100009054
Howard County
Big Spring Downtown Historic District
Roughly bounded by 1st, Goliad, 6th, and South Gregg Sts.
Big Spring, SG100009055
Pulaski County
Pulaski High School
500 Pico Ter.
Pulaski, SG100009049
A request for removal has been made for the following resource:
Clark County
Old Boulder City Hospital
701 Park Pl.
Boulder City, OT82003211
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: May 17, 2023.
Sherry A Frear,
National Register of Historic Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
Last updated: May 19, 2023