PENDING (Not Yet Acted Upon) LIST
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before March 18, 2023
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address / Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number.
Ventura County
Maulhardt, Gottfried, Farm
1251 Gottfried Pl.
Oxnard, SG100008891
District of Columbia
Chevy Chase Savings Bank
5530 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, SG100008870
Miami-Dade County
Grove Park Historic District
Bounded by NW 17th Ave., FL 836, NW 14th Ct., and NW 7th St.
Miami, SG100008869
Duval County
Garden Club of Jacksonville, The
1005 Riverside Ave.
Jacksonville, SG100008872
Pinellas County
Peninsular Fruit Company Building
10000 Gandy Blvd. North
St. Petersburg, SG100008871
Cook County
Laramie State Bank Building
5200 West Chicago Ave.
Chicago, SG100008873
Wilmette Village Center Historic District
1200 blk. of Washington Ct.; 1100 blks. of Central and Wilmette Aves.; 700 block of
12th St.
Wilmette, SG100008874
Wilson County
DeLay, Dorothy, House
124 North 2nd St.
Neodesha, SG100008863
Clay County
Manchester Historic District
Portions of Main, Bridge, and Lawyer Sts., Town Sq., Richmond Rd./US 421/White St.
Manchester, SG100008883
Adams County
48 Powlett Rd.
Natchez vicinity, SG100008884
Park County
Sacajawea-Miles Parks Historic District
Roughly bounded by West Butte and South 2nd Sts., River Dr., a channel of the lagoon to the
north and west, the Yellowstone R., and River Dr.
Livingston, SG100008882
Erie County
Lustron House Westchester Deluxe Model M02 #01310
(Lustron Houses in New York MPS)
3381 North Boston Rd.
Eden, MP100008880
Kings County
English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation
105 Barbey St.
Brooklyn, SG100008887
Oneida County
First Church of Christ, Scientist
1608 Genesee St.
Utica, SG100008877
Beeches Historic District, The
7900 Turin Rd.
Rome, SG100008881
Warren County
Franklin Historic District
Roughly Bounded by West 1st, South. Main, and Sixth Sts., and the Great Miami R.
Franklin, SG100008886
Dauphin County
Midland Cemetery
(African American Churches and Cemeteries in Pennsylvania, c. 1644 - c. 1970 MPS)
206 Kelker St.
Swatara Township, MP100008865
Lackawanna County
Scranton Electric Building
507 Linden St.
Scranton, SG100008866
Philadelphia County
S.L. Allen & Company Building
459 West Glenwood Ave.
Philadelphia, SG100008867
Star Carpet Mill
(Textile Industry in the Kensington Neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MPS)
1801 North Howard St.
Philadelphia, MP100008868
Knox County
Emory Place Historic District (Boundary Increase)
(Knoxville and Knox County MPS)
Portions of North Broadway, North Central, Lamar, King, and North Gay Sts., Emory Pl.,
East 4th, East 5th. and West 5th Aves.
Knoxville, BC100008890
Williamson County
Lewisburg Avenue Historic District (Boundary Increase/Decrease)
(Williamson County MRA)
Along sections of Lewisburg Ave., South Margin, and Adams Sts.
Franklin, BC100008879
Washington County
Tischer, Wilhelm Blacksmith Shop
1125 Western Ave.
Jackson, SG100008864
A request to move has been received for the following resource:
Columbia County
Columbia Turnpike East Tollhouse
NY 23
Hillsdale, MV16000411
An additional documentation has been received for the following resources:
Greene County
Black, Margaret, Farmstead (Additional Documentation)
RR 3
Carrollton, AD05000110
Knox County
Emory Place Historic District (Additional Documentation)
(Knoxville and Knox County MPS)
Portions of North Broadway, North Central, Lamar, King, and North Gay Sts., Emory Pl.,
East 4th, East 5th. and West 5th Aves.
Knoxville, AD94001259
Williamson County
Lewisburg Avenue Historic District (Additional Documentation)
(Williamson County MRA)
Along sections of Lewisburg Ave., South Margin, and Adams Sts.
Franklin, AD88000312
Nomination submitted by Federal Preservation Officer:
The State Historic Preservation Officer reviewed the following nomination and responded to the Federal Preservation Officer within 45 days of receipt of the nomination and supports listing the property in the National Register of Historic Places.
Stillwater County
Meyers Creek Work Center
101-199 Meyers Creek Rd, Custer Gallatin NF
Nye vicinity, SG100008876
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: March 22, 2023.
Serena G. Bellew,
Deputy Associate Director,
Preservation Assistance Programs,
Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before March 18, 2023
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address / Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number.
Ventura County
Maulhardt, Gottfried, Farm
1251 Gottfried Pl.
Oxnard, SG100008891
District of Columbia
Chevy Chase Savings Bank
5530 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, SG100008870
Miami-Dade County
Grove Park Historic District
Bounded by NW 17th Ave., FL 836, NW 14th Ct., and NW 7th St.
Miami, SG100008869
Duval County
Garden Club of Jacksonville, The
1005 Riverside Ave.
Jacksonville, SG100008872
Pinellas County
Peninsular Fruit Company Building
10000 Gandy Blvd. North
St. Petersburg, SG100008871
Cook County
Laramie State Bank Building
5200 West Chicago Ave.
Chicago, SG100008873
Wilmette Village Center Historic District
1200 blk. of Washington Ct.; 1100 blks. of Central and Wilmette Aves.; 700 block of
12th St.
Wilmette, SG100008874
Wilson County
DeLay, Dorothy, House
124 North 2nd St.
Neodesha, SG100008863
Clay County
Manchester Historic District
Portions of Main, Bridge, and Lawyer Sts., Town Sq., Richmond Rd./US 421/White St.
Manchester, SG100008883
Adams County
48 Powlett Rd.
Natchez vicinity, SG100008884
Park County
Sacajawea-Miles Parks Historic District
Roughly bounded by West Butte and South 2nd Sts., River Dr., a channel of the lagoon to the
north and west, the Yellowstone R., and River Dr.
Livingston, SG100008882
Erie County
Lustron House Westchester Deluxe Model M02 #01310
(Lustron Houses in New York MPS)
3381 North Boston Rd.
Eden, MP100008880
Kings County
English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation
105 Barbey St.
Brooklyn, SG100008887
Oneida County
First Church of Christ, Scientist
1608 Genesee St.
Utica, SG100008877
Beeches Historic District, The
7900 Turin Rd.
Rome, SG100008881
Warren County
Franklin Historic District
Roughly Bounded by West 1st, South. Main, and Sixth Sts., and the Great Miami R.
Franklin, SG100008886
Dauphin County
Midland Cemetery
(African American Churches and Cemeteries in Pennsylvania, c. 1644 - c. 1970 MPS)
206 Kelker St.
Swatara Township, MP100008865
Lackawanna County
Scranton Electric Building
507 Linden St.
Scranton, SG100008866
Philadelphia County
S.L. Allen & Company Building
459 West Glenwood Ave.
Philadelphia, SG100008867
Star Carpet Mill
(Textile Industry in the Kensington Neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MPS)
1801 North Howard St.
Philadelphia, MP100008868
Knox County
Emory Place Historic District (Boundary Increase)
(Knoxville and Knox County MPS)
Portions of North Broadway, North Central, Lamar, King, and North Gay Sts., Emory Pl.,
East 4th, East 5th. and West 5th Aves.
Knoxville, BC100008890
Williamson County
Lewisburg Avenue Historic District (Boundary Increase/Decrease)
(Williamson County MRA)
Along sections of Lewisburg Ave., South Margin, and Adams Sts.
Franklin, BC100008879
Washington County
Tischer, Wilhelm Blacksmith Shop
1125 Western Ave.
Jackson, SG100008864
A request to move has been received for the following resource:
Columbia County
Columbia Turnpike East Tollhouse
NY 23
Hillsdale, MV16000411
An additional documentation has been received for the following resources:
Greene County
Black, Margaret, Farmstead (Additional Documentation)
RR 3
Carrollton, AD05000110
Knox County
Emory Place Historic District (Additional Documentation)
(Knoxville and Knox County MPS)
Portions of North Broadway, North Central, Lamar, King, and North Gay Sts., Emory Pl.,
East 4th, East 5th. and West 5th Aves.
Knoxville, AD94001259
Williamson County
Lewisburg Avenue Historic District (Additional Documentation)
(Williamson County MRA)
Along sections of Lewisburg Ave., South Margin, and Adams Sts.
Franklin, AD88000312
Nomination submitted by Federal Preservation Officer:
The State Historic Preservation Officer reviewed the following nomination and responded to the Federal Preservation Officer within 45 days of receipt of the nomination and supports listing the property in the National Register of Historic Places.
Stillwater County
Meyers Creek Work Center
101-199 Meyers Creek Rd, Custer Gallatin NF
Nye vicinity, SG100008876
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: March 22, 2023.
Serena G. Bellew,
Deputy Associate Director,
Preservation Assistance Programs,
Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science
Last updated: March 24, 2023