PENDING (Not Yet Acted Upon) LIST
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before April 10, 2021
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number
Prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
Cleveland County
Rison Overpass
AR 35 (Magnolia St.) over the Union Pacific RR.
Rison, SG100006533
Columbia County
McNeil Overpass
US 79 over the Union Pacific RR.
McNeil, SG100006535
Drew County
Science Building
562 University Dr.
Monticello, SG100006534
Garland County
Hot Springs Masonic Temple
311 West Grand Ave.
Hot Springs, SG100006532
Jefferson County
U.S. 65 Expressway Pedestrian Bridge
Spanning the Martha Mitchell Expwy. at Mulberry St.
Pine Bluff, SG100006530
Lawrence A. Davis, Sr., Student Union
2000 LA Prexy Davis Dr.
Pine Bluff, SG100006531
Phillips County
Berger, Dr. Alfred A. and Adele, House
121 Stonebrook Rd.
Helena-West Helena, SG100006536
Helena World Building
417 York St.
Helena-West Helena, SG100006537
Pulaski County
Reutlinger House
2005 South Spring St.
Little Rock, SG100006527
Franke-Watson House
30 Edgehill Rd.
Little Rock, SG100006528
K. C. Baking Powder Building
3401 East Broadway
North Little Rock, SG100006529
Sebastian County
Jewish Cemetery
1601 South H St.
Fort Smith, SG100006538
District of Columbia
Colony Hill Historic District
1700-1731, 1800-1821, 4501-4520 Hoban Rd. NW, 1801-1820 45th St. NW, 4407-4444
Hadfield Rd. NW, 1701-1717 Foxhall Rd. NW.
Washington, SG100006546
Polk County
Valley Auto Co.-Morgan Auto Co. Garage
333 5th St.
West Des Moines, SG100006523
Poweshiek County
Brooklyn Opera House–Broadway Theatre
115 Jackson St.
Brooklyn, SG100006522
Albany County
Park Mart
93 North Pearl St.
Albany, SG100006516
Essex County
Westport Historic District
Generally Champlain Ave., Main, Cisco, and Washington Sts.
Westport, SG100006513
Greene County
Village of Coxsackie Cemetery
144 Mansion St.
Coxsackie, SG100006511
Jefferson County
Ballard, Samuel F., House
(Stone Buildings of Jefferson County, New York, ca. 1800-1875 MPS)
15811 Cty. Rd. 64
Watertown, MP100006515
Rensselaer County
Harder Manufacturing Company-Albany Woolen Company Inc. Building
2 Green St.
Rensselaer, SG100006510
Saratoga County
Church Hill Historic District
Terminal and Church Hill Rds.
Halfmoon, SG100006512
Schenectady County
Fitzgerald Building
144-148 Clinton St.
Schenectady, SG100006517
Blair County
Chimney Rocks
Chimney Rocks Park (Chimney Rocks Rd.)
Hollidaysburg, SG100006540
Galveston County
American National Insurance Company (ANICO)
1 Moody Ave. (1902 Market St.)
Galveston, SG100006539
Bayou Brae Historic District
All properties on Bayou Dr., Brae Ln., Coryell St., Oboe Trail, Woodwind Way, and
Viola Dr.
League City, SG100006547
Tarrant County
Knight, Elizabeth and Jack, House
2811 Simondale Dr.
Fort Worth, SG100006521
Arlington County
Windsor Apartments
(Garden Apartments, Apartment Houses and Apartment Complexes in Arlington County,
Virginia MPS)
20-204 North Thomas St.
Arlington, MP100006520
Virginia Beach Independent City
Jefferson Manor Motel Apartments
(Virginia Beach Oceanfront Resort Motels and Hotels, 1955-1970 MPS)
3300 Pacific Ave.
Virginia Beach, MP100006519
An owner objection received for the following resource:
El Paso County
Downtown El Paso Historic District
Roughly bounded by Paisano Dr., Kansas St., Missouri Ave., South Santa Fe St., and US 85
El Paso, SG100006548
A request for removal has been made for the following resources:
Jefferson County
Pine Bluff Confederate Monument
(Civil War Commemorative Sculpture MPS)
North side of Jefferson Cty. Courthouse, jct. of Barraque and Main Sts.
Pine Bluff, OT96000464
Pulaski County
Mitchell House
(Thompson, Charles L., Design Collection TR)
1415 Spring St.
Little Rock, OT82000910
Memorial to Company A, Capitol Guards
(Civil War Commemorative Sculpture MPS)
MacArthur Park, roughly bounded by 9th and 17th Sts. between Rock St. and I-30
Little Rock, OT96000451
Washington County
Fletcher, Adrian, House
(Arkansas Designs of E. Fay Jones MPS)
6725 Huntsville Rd.
Fayetteville, OT13000317
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: April 13, 2021.
Sherry Frear,
Chief, National Register of Historic Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before April 10, 2021
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number
Prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
Cleveland County
Rison Overpass
AR 35 (Magnolia St.) over the Union Pacific RR.
Rison, SG100006533
Columbia County
McNeil Overpass
US 79 over the Union Pacific RR.
McNeil, SG100006535
Drew County
Science Building
562 University Dr.
Monticello, SG100006534
Garland County
Hot Springs Masonic Temple
311 West Grand Ave.
Hot Springs, SG100006532
Jefferson County
U.S. 65 Expressway Pedestrian Bridge
Spanning the Martha Mitchell Expwy. at Mulberry St.
Pine Bluff, SG100006530
Lawrence A. Davis, Sr., Student Union
2000 LA Prexy Davis Dr.
Pine Bluff, SG100006531
Phillips County
Berger, Dr. Alfred A. and Adele, House
121 Stonebrook Rd.
Helena-West Helena, SG100006536
Helena World Building
417 York St.
Helena-West Helena, SG100006537
Pulaski County
Reutlinger House
2005 South Spring St.
Little Rock, SG100006527
Franke-Watson House
30 Edgehill Rd.
Little Rock, SG100006528
K. C. Baking Powder Building
3401 East Broadway
North Little Rock, SG100006529
Sebastian County
Jewish Cemetery
1601 South H St.
Fort Smith, SG100006538
District of Columbia
Colony Hill Historic District
1700-1731, 1800-1821, 4501-4520 Hoban Rd. NW, 1801-1820 45th St. NW, 4407-4444
Hadfield Rd. NW, 1701-1717 Foxhall Rd. NW.
Washington, SG100006546
Polk County
Valley Auto Co.-Morgan Auto Co. Garage
333 5th St.
West Des Moines, SG100006523
Poweshiek County
Brooklyn Opera House–Broadway Theatre
115 Jackson St.
Brooklyn, SG100006522
Albany County
Park Mart
93 North Pearl St.
Albany, SG100006516
Essex County
Westport Historic District
Generally Champlain Ave., Main, Cisco, and Washington Sts.
Westport, SG100006513
Greene County
Village of Coxsackie Cemetery
144 Mansion St.
Coxsackie, SG100006511
Jefferson County
Ballard, Samuel F., House
(Stone Buildings of Jefferson County, New York, ca. 1800-1875 MPS)
15811 Cty. Rd. 64
Watertown, MP100006515
Rensselaer County
Harder Manufacturing Company-Albany Woolen Company Inc. Building
2 Green St.
Rensselaer, SG100006510
Saratoga County
Church Hill Historic District
Terminal and Church Hill Rds.
Halfmoon, SG100006512
Schenectady County
Fitzgerald Building
144-148 Clinton St.
Schenectady, SG100006517
Blair County
Chimney Rocks
Chimney Rocks Park (Chimney Rocks Rd.)
Hollidaysburg, SG100006540
Galveston County
American National Insurance Company (ANICO)
1 Moody Ave. (1902 Market St.)
Galveston, SG100006539
Bayou Brae Historic District
All properties on Bayou Dr., Brae Ln., Coryell St., Oboe Trail, Woodwind Way, and
Viola Dr.
League City, SG100006547
Tarrant County
Knight, Elizabeth and Jack, House
2811 Simondale Dr.
Fort Worth, SG100006521
Arlington County
Windsor Apartments
(Garden Apartments, Apartment Houses and Apartment Complexes in Arlington County,
Virginia MPS)
20-204 North Thomas St.
Arlington, MP100006520
Virginia Beach Independent City
Jefferson Manor Motel Apartments
(Virginia Beach Oceanfront Resort Motels and Hotels, 1955-1970 MPS)
3300 Pacific Ave.
Virginia Beach, MP100006519
An owner objection received for the following resource:
El Paso County
Downtown El Paso Historic District
Roughly bounded by Paisano Dr., Kansas St., Missouri Ave., South Santa Fe St., and US 85
El Paso, SG100006548
A request for removal has been made for the following resources:
Jefferson County
Pine Bluff Confederate Monument
(Civil War Commemorative Sculpture MPS)
North side of Jefferson Cty. Courthouse, jct. of Barraque and Main Sts.
Pine Bluff, OT96000464
Pulaski County
Mitchell House
(Thompson, Charles L., Design Collection TR)
1415 Spring St.
Little Rock, OT82000910
Memorial to Company A, Capitol Guards
(Civil War Commemorative Sculpture MPS)
MacArthur Park, roughly bounded by 9th and 17th Sts. between Rock St. and I-30
Little Rock, OT96000451
Washington County
Fletcher, Adrian, House
(Arkansas Designs of E. Fay Jones MPS)
6725 Huntsville Rd.
Fayetteville, OT13000317
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: April 13, 2021.
Sherry Frear,
Chief, National Register of Historic Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
Last updated: June 24, 2021