PENDING (Not Yet Acted Upon) LIST
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before May 25, 2019.
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36 CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number (Please note new numbering system) Here is the prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
Baldwin County
Manly-Strong House
(Creole and Gulf Coast Cottages in Baldwin County TR)
100 Deer Ct.
Daphne, MP100004134
Jefferson County
Birmingham Wholesale & Retail (West) Historic District
1st through 6 Aves. N. Bet. 11th and 16th Sts. N.
Birmingham, SG100004132
Bush Hills Historic District
Roughly bounded by Princeton Pkwy. W, 3rd Ave. W, bush Blvd., I-20/59, 8th Court W,
and 8th Ave. W.
Birmingham, SG100004133
Madison County
McThornmor Acres Subdivision Historic District
Holmes Ave. NW, Brickell Rd. NW, Northington St. NW & Woodall Ln. NW
Huntsville, SG100004119
Mobile County
Seamen's Club Building
350 St. Joseph St.
Mobile, SG100004131
Los Angeles County
Bay Street Beach Historic District
Roughly bounded by Pacific Ocean, Ocean Front Walk from Vicente Ter. Extending into
Crescent Bay Park, Bicknell Ave.
Santa Monica, SG100004116
Commercial Exchange Building
416-436 W. 8th St.
Los Angeles, SG100004117
Hunt House
24514 Malibu Rd.
Malibu, SG100004118
District of Columbia
Ethelhurst, The
(Apartment Buildings in Washington, DC, MPS)
1025 Fifteenth St., NW
Washington, MP100004123
Richmond County
Weiss-Steinburg-Bush House
1300 Buena Vista Rd.
Augusta, SG100004115
Woodlawn Historic District
Roughly bounded by Walton Way, Emmett St., Wrightsboro Rd., and Heard Ave.
Augusta, SG100004122
Henry County
Hulme, Samuel and Sarah, House
1577 Franklin Ave.
Trenton vicinity, SG100004114
Scott County
Davenport Motor Row and Industrial Historic District
River Dr., 2nd & 3rd Sts. between Perry & Iowa Sts.
Davenport, SG100004113
Shelby County
Pleasant View Stock Farm Historic District
1933-1935 Road M36
Irwin vicinity, SG100004112
Boyle County
Barbee, Thomas, House
204 E. Walnut St.
Danville, SG100004121
Fayette County
Trail's End Camp
Address Restricted
Lexington vicinity, SG100004120
Hennepin County
Dayton's Department Store
700 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, SG100004147
Rice County
Faribault Furniture Company
28 Fourth St. NE
Faribault, SG100004146
Cedar County
Harrington Downtown Historic District
Broadway Ave. from Centre St. to Railroad St.; Main St. From Madison Ave. to Alley
W. of Broadway Ave.
Harrington, SG100004136
Hartington Carnegie Library
(Carnegie Libraries in Nebraska MPS AD)
106 S. Broadway Ave.
Hartington, MP100004137
Douglas County
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
(Lincoln Highway in Nebraska MPS)
1901 Howard St.
Omaha, MP100004138
Garden County
Oshkosh Water Tower
103 East Ave. E.
Oshkosh, SG100004140
Hall County
4th Street Commercial Historic District
Roughly bounded by alley S of 5th St., N. Sycamore St., Union Pacific RR Tracks, and
N. Cedar St.
Grand Island, SG100004141
Jefferson County
Kesterson, John C., House
907 4th St.
Fairbury, SG100004142
Hughes County
Pierre American Legion Cabin
520 S. Pierre St.
Pierre, SG100004127
Kingsbury County
Shady Lawn School No. 8
(Schools in South Dakota MPS)
42893 198th St.
De Smet, MP100004125
Lincoln County
Gale Buildings
101 and 103-107 S. Main
Canton, SG100004126
Minnehaha County
East Site Fire Station and Branch Library
600 E. 7th St.
Sioux Falls, SG100004124
Windsor County
Goodrich Four Corners Historic District
(Agricultural Resources of Vermont MPS)
929-987 Union Village, 18 Pattrell & 694 Goodrich Four Corners Rds.
Norwich, MP100004111
An owner objection has been received for the following resource:
Coos County
Q'alya ta Kukwis shicdhii me Historic District
Address Restricted
Coos Bay, SG100004144
Additional documentation has been received for the following resources:
Baldwin County
Fairhope Downtown Historic District
Roughly bounded by Equality St., Fairhope Ave., Morphy Ave., School St., Summit St.
Fairhope, AD04000115
Mobile County
Barton Academy
504 Government St.
Mobile, AD70000107
Anchorage Borough
McKinley Tower Apartments
337 E. 4th Ave.
Anchorage, AD08000882
Morrison County
Weyerhaeuser, Charles A., and Musser, Richard Drew, Houses
Highland Ave.
Little Falls, AD85001990
Buena Vista Independent City
Southern Seminary Main Building
Jct. of Ivy and Park Aves.
Buena Vista (Independent City), AD72001501
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: May 29, 2019.
Kathryn G. Smith
Acting Chief, National Register of Historic Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions.
Nominations for the following properties being considered for listing or related actions in the National Register of Historic Places were received by the National Park Service before May 25, 2019.
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36 CFR Part 60, written comments are being accepted concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the National Register criteria for evaluation. Comments should be sent to the National Register of Historic Places, MS 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240, or e-mail to: Comments should be submitted by 15 days after this notice is published in the Federal Register. The best way to search the Federal Register for NR properties is by our unique, 8 or 9 digit reference number. (e.g. 16000735 or 100001969)
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Multiple Name (if applicable), Address/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number (Please note new numbering system) Here is the prefix key:
SG - Single nomination
MC - Multiple cover sheet
MP – Multiple nomination (a nomination under a multiple cover sheet)
FP - Federal DOE Project
FD - Federal DOE property under the Federal DOE project
BC - Boundary change (increase, decrease, or both)
MV - Move request
AD - Additional documentation
OT - All other requests (appeal, removal, delisting, direct submission)
RS - Resubmission
Baldwin County
Manly-Strong House
(Creole and Gulf Coast Cottages in Baldwin County TR)
100 Deer Ct.
Daphne, MP100004134
Jefferson County
Birmingham Wholesale & Retail (West) Historic District
1st through 6 Aves. N. Bet. 11th and 16th Sts. N.
Birmingham, SG100004132
Bush Hills Historic District
Roughly bounded by Princeton Pkwy. W, 3rd Ave. W, bush Blvd., I-20/59, 8th Court W,
and 8th Ave. W.
Birmingham, SG100004133
Madison County
McThornmor Acres Subdivision Historic District
Holmes Ave. NW, Brickell Rd. NW, Northington St. NW & Woodall Ln. NW
Huntsville, SG100004119
Mobile County
Seamen's Club Building
350 St. Joseph St.
Mobile, SG100004131
Los Angeles County
Bay Street Beach Historic District
Roughly bounded by Pacific Ocean, Ocean Front Walk from Vicente Ter. Extending into
Crescent Bay Park, Bicknell Ave.
Santa Monica, SG100004116
Commercial Exchange Building
416-436 W. 8th St.
Los Angeles, SG100004117
Hunt House
24514 Malibu Rd.
Malibu, SG100004118
District of Columbia
Ethelhurst, The
(Apartment Buildings in Washington, DC, MPS)
1025 Fifteenth St., NW
Washington, MP100004123
Richmond County
Weiss-Steinburg-Bush House
1300 Buena Vista Rd.
Augusta, SG100004115
Woodlawn Historic District
Roughly bounded by Walton Way, Emmett St., Wrightsboro Rd., and Heard Ave.
Augusta, SG100004122
Henry County
Hulme, Samuel and Sarah, House
1577 Franklin Ave.
Trenton vicinity, SG100004114
Scott County
Davenport Motor Row and Industrial Historic District
River Dr., 2nd & 3rd Sts. between Perry & Iowa Sts.
Davenport, SG100004113
Shelby County
Pleasant View Stock Farm Historic District
1933-1935 Road M36
Irwin vicinity, SG100004112
Boyle County
Barbee, Thomas, House
204 E. Walnut St.
Danville, SG100004121
Fayette County
Trail's End Camp
Address Restricted
Lexington vicinity, SG100004120
Hennepin County
Dayton's Department Store
700 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, SG100004147
Rice County
Faribault Furniture Company
28 Fourth St. NE
Faribault, SG100004146
Cedar County
Harrington Downtown Historic District
Broadway Ave. from Centre St. to Railroad St.; Main St. From Madison Ave. to Alley
W. of Broadway Ave.
Harrington, SG100004136
Hartington Carnegie Library
(Carnegie Libraries in Nebraska MPS AD)
106 S. Broadway Ave.
Hartington, MP100004137
Douglas County
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
(Lincoln Highway in Nebraska MPS)
1901 Howard St.
Omaha, MP100004138
Garden County
Oshkosh Water Tower
103 East Ave. E.
Oshkosh, SG100004140
Hall County
4th Street Commercial Historic District
Roughly bounded by alley S of 5th St., N. Sycamore St., Union Pacific RR Tracks, and
N. Cedar St.
Grand Island, SG100004141
Jefferson County
Kesterson, John C., House
907 4th St.
Fairbury, SG100004142
Hughes County
Pierre American Legion Cabin
520 S. Pierre St.
Pierre, SG100004127
Kingsbury County
Shady Lawn School No. 8
(Schools in South Dakota MPS)
42893 198th St.
De Smet, MP100004125
Lincoln County
Gale Buildings
101 and 103-107 S. Main
Canton, SG100004126
Minnehaha County
East Site Fire Station and Branch Library
600 E. 7th St.
Sioux Falls, SG100004124
Windsor County
Goodrich Four Corners Historic District
(Agricultural Resources of Vermont MPS)
929-987 Union Village, 18 Pattrell & 694 Goodrich Four Corners Rds.
Norwich, MP100004111
An owner objection has been received for the following resource:
Coos County
Q'alya ta Kukwis shicdhii me Historic District
Address Restricted
Coos Bay, SG100004144
Additional documentation has been received for the following resources:
Baldwin County
Fairhope Downtown Historic District
Roughly bounded by Equality St., Fairhope Ave., Morphy Ave., School St., Summit St.
Fairhope, AD04000115
Mobile County
Barton Academy
504 Government St.
Mobile, AD70000107
Anchorage Borough
McKinley Tower Apartments
337 E. 4th Ave.
Anchorage, AD08000882
Morrison County
Weyerhaeuser, Charles A., and Musser, Richard Drew, Houses
Highland Ave.
Little Falls, AD85001990
Buena Vista Independent City
Southern Seminary Main Building
Jct. of Ivy and Park Aves.
Buena Vista (Independent City), AD72001501
AUTHORITY: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: May 29, 2019.
Kathryn G. Smith
Acting Chief, National Register of Historic Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
Last updated: May 31, 2019