We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 contest.

Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau (HALS HI-15).
NPS / HALS / Todd A. Croteau (2015)
The 15th annual HALS Challenge competition is an open competition. We invite landscape architects, historians, students, and other interested parties to document any landscape that you feel would make a good addition to the HALS collection. Historic landscapes encompass a vast array of diverse property types and places, from formal gardens, parks, and public spaces to traditional cultural places, vernacular communities, and residential districts.
Regardless of the site selected, please focus your HALS report on the landscape as a whole. Information how to describe and analyze historic landscapes for the HALS collection can be found in the HALS History Guidelines (pdf).
Since the copyright status of some materials is uncertain, please do not reproduce any graphics in your HALS documentation unless they are covered by a signed copy of our Copyright Release Form (pdf) or clearly in the public domain.
People are hereby challenged to complete at least one entry using the HALS Short Format History Template (.docx). Preservation Through Documentation!
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entries. Surveys that are funded by the National Park Service; entered into another HDP-administered competition; or created by employees of the National Park Service, American Society of Landscape Architects, or Library of Congress may be submitted to the HALS Challenge but are ineligible for prizes.
How to Enter
Email your finished entry (in the HALS Short Format History Template (.docx)) and Copyright Release Form (pdf) to:
Scott Keyes
Email: e-mail us
Phone: 202-354-2186
Deadline: July 31, 2024
Questions? Email Scott Keyes
Last updated: October 9, 2024