Funding & Technical Assistance

WhellingNHA_April 2009
Whelling National Heritage Area April 2009


Designated National Heritage Area Local Coordinating Entities receive Heritage Partnership Program funds as appropriated by Congress. The funds are distributed through cooperative agreements with requirements for managing, spending, matching, and subgranting. Cooperative Agreements are a type of Financial Assistance instrument in which

  1. the principal purpose of the transfer of money or resource(s) to a non-federal agency is to accomplish a public purpose, and

  2. the National Park Service will be substantially involved in the funded project.

A Cooperative Agreement may provide for either a single project or the accomplishment of various anticipated tasks/projects. A Task Agreement is awarded under an existing Cooperative Agreement and outlines a specific task/project.

Other Federal laws that may apply to heritage area projects include: the National Environmental Policy Act, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.

Technical Assistance for National Heritage Area

Goal: This document is to provide information to the National Heritage Areas (NHA) about technical assistance and support that may be available to their organizatons from the NPS NHA Program and other National Park Service (NPS) programs and staff. Click here for a list of online resources and resources resources from NPS staff.

In addition, the National Park Service assists community groups and the public with historic preservation, recreation and improved access to public lands, natural resource conservation, and education and stewardship. Community assistance programs of the National Park Service created a Directory of National Park Service Community Assistance Programs as a short guide to opportunities to receive assistance from the National Park Service. Please see links below for more information:

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Authority to Receive Heritage Partnership Program Funding

National Heritage Areas (NHA) are granted funding authorities by law. While the federal funding authorization may end, the designation of the NHA continues in perpetuity.

Click here to read answers to frequently asked questions regarding funding.

Last updated: June 16, 2023