The NPS Centennial engaged new audiences and partners, invited everyone to Find Your Park and Encuentra Tu Parque, and strengthened our collaborative stewardship work.
Our next century journey is underway! Join us as we build on the momentum of the centennial—visit, volunteer, join one of our nonprofit partners, or consider an NPS career. Share your incredible park and public lands experiences with each other and with us using #FindYourPark and #EncuentraTuParque in your social media posts!
We look forward to a new century of protecting and enjoying America’s remarkable places with you!

NPS Centennial News Release
National Park Service Celebrates Centennial Success, Looks Ahead to Building on Momentum of 2016

The NPS Centennial Act
Learn about the legislation that provides new tools to help the NPS advance its mission in its next century.

Call to Action: Success Stories
Since 2011, parks and programs across the country have been advancing Call to Action projects to prepare for a second century of service.
News from Parks and Programs
Last updated: May 20, 2020