One Becomes Many

The Biodiversity Youth Ambassadors participated in the annual NPS/National Geographic BioBlitzes from 2007 through 2016.

In addition to going on biological inventories, they take part in the accompanying biodiversity festival. They also meet with scientists and park managers, serving as spokespeople for BioBlitz and biodiversity, as seen through the eyes of youth.

Beyond BioBlitzes

Between BioBlitzes, the Biodiversity Youth Ambassadors share their experiences and spread excitement and awareness of biodiversity in their schools and communities. Check out their biographies to learn about some of their great work!

The National Park Service helps these youth hone their leadership, communication, and science literacy skills through mentorship, workshops, monthly meetings, and extra-curricular course work.

Many of these young people choose to serve as interns in the national parks to contribute to the science and stewardship of these special areas.

Last updated: July 14, 2017


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