At Home

Harvest table full of colorful local produce
Mmmm Tasty!  Choosing local foods like these from a fall harvest at a community garden are a beautiful and delicious way to reduce air pollution.

NPS photo

Because air pollution can travel long distances, the clean air actions that you take at home will help parks have clean air and clear views! If you want to improve air quality, we recommend actions that will have multiple benefits. The actions below will help you save energy and money while reducing waste and reducing air pollution:

  • Green your ride. Combine trips, carpool, ride your bike, walk, or take public transportation. Observe speed limits, avoid idling, and maintain your vehicle. Also consider driving a more fuel-efficient or hybrid/electric car.
  • Reduce power. Use CFL or LED light bulbs, and turn things off when not in use.
  • Get comfortable. Insulate your home and use a programmable thermostat to reduce energy used for heating and cooling.
  • Be "food smart." Support local agriculture, understand the environmental impacts of food choices, and waste less food.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle. It takes energy to make and sell the products we use. Help reduce waste by sorting and recycling all materials according to the local program guidelines. Refill and reuse your travel mugs and water bottles instead of buying bottled water.
  • Share your story. Tell a friend what you are doing for clean air and clear views.
The NPS Climate Change webpage has even more ideas on how to be "green" at home.

Last updated: January 23, 2018


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