FY2013 Annual Report

Stream Assessment
Stream Assessment Education Program at Congaree National Park

NPS Photo

Excerpts from FY2013 Annual Report

The OGBFREC assisted with facilitation of 29 NPS research permits during FY2013. These projects involved 29 PIs and 80 co-PIs (including many university students) representing 18 Federal, State, Academic, and private entities.Topics included water quality, geomorphology, invasive species control, carbon cycling, plankton communities, aquatic macroinvertebrates, botanical surveys, migratory birds, herpetology, arthropods, forest re-growth, archaeology, and more. The OGBFREC provided dormitory housing, technical support, and on-site logistical support for these projects throughout FY13.

Research conducted through the OGBFREC resulted in or contributed towards the publication of at least 15 peer-reviewed journal articles, nine government scientific reports, eight book chapters, seven scientific conference abstracts, and one thesis document.

Promoting Science-informed Decision Making

  • The OGBFREC partnered with the USGS to study the distribution and fate of EDC in the floodplain forest at Congaree National Park.
  • Research was conducted to understand relationships among land use change, sediment loads in streams, channel-floodplain connectivity, and floodplain forest integrity within key river basins.
  • Scientists worked to collect information on the population dynamics of Carolina bogmint that will contribute significantly to the protection and conservation of this species.

Promoting Science Literacy and Resource Stewardship

The Linking Ecology and Art of Floodplains (LEAF) programs: This standards-based program engaged 3rd graders with a suite of lessons integrated around earth science themes of landscapes, soils, and landscape processes including weathering, erosion, and deposition.The fall 2012 programs included over 2,875 participants. The fall 2013 programs served over 544 participants.

Last updated: October 10, 2014