Spring Teacher FAQs

Answers to Teachers’ FAQs

Please read over some of the logistics of our spring program.

· How strenous is snowshoeing? Our snowshoe adventures are strenuous. We attempt to keep the activity level appropriate for 4th - 8th graders, which can be a difficult surprise to adult chaperones and teachers with health concerns. Please be sure that all adults attending the field trip are ready for over 2 hours of strenuous exercise in cold weather, snowshoeing over uneven terrain.

· How many chaperones should we bring? We require a 5:1 student to chaperone ratio.

· How long does it take to get to the park? Snowy roads in the park will increase transportation time, so please plan accordingly. The best way to get an estimate on how long it will take to get to Rim Village is to use Google Maps for directions from your school to the “Rim Village Visitor Center.” Note: Google Map’s estimates are based on dry roads with no stops.

· Where will we meet the rangers? The bus should go directly to the Community House in Rim Village and NOT stop at the Visitor Center at Park Headquarters. Keep driving until you see rangers waving you down with cordoned off bus parking. Buses will park in the center of the roadway between orange cones. A ranger will board the bus to welcome the group.

· What about bathroom breaks? All students should attempt to use the restroom when they arrive at the park. Students often need to interrupt learning activities to go to the restroom when teachers make an optional bathroom stop on the way to the park, and then make restroom use optional when arriving at the park. Our recommendation is to require all students to use the restroom at school before leaving, and again upon arriving to the park.

· When will students eat lunch? Students won’t eat lunch until 1:15, and therefore will need to have a snack before and during the snowshoe adventure.

· What will students need to carry? Students should carry their backpack with extra clothing, a snack, and a water bottle. Please make sure that students don’t carry anything else.

· Should the students be pre-assigned to chaperone-led groups? Students should be pre-assigned to five small groups (5-7 students/group) with a chaperone assigned to each group. In the spring, laminated name tags on a string work much better than the stick-on type.

· What else can chaperones do to help? Chaperones must be assigned to restrooms and work as crossing guards to monitor student safety during all transition times and lunch. Please see the "tips for chaperones" page.

· Where can we eat lunch? Most groups use the restroom, leave Rim Village about 1:15 pm, and eat lunch on the bus. Other schools with more flexible schedules use the restroom, eat lunch, take group photos, visit the gift shop, and enjoy the view! We request that no more than 10 students (and their chaperones) be in the gift shop at any one time. Students may eat near the bus, on the bus, on a snow bank, or the top floor of the Rim Café and Gift Shop. Students on snow banks on the north side of the road (closest to the rim) must be accompanied by a chaperone at all times.

Last updated: October 20, 2017