
The Civil War: A Constitutional Conflict (Slavery and Secession)

  • 07/28/2018 Location: Shiloh National Military Park, Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Fee Information: FREE Contact Phone Number: 731-689-5696
    The Civil War: A Constitutional Conflict (Slavery and Secession)

    This program focuses on the conflicts inherent in the Unites States Constitution that led to America’s costliest war.  What was to be done about slavery? The founding fathers had recognized its existence, but limited the slave trade and the spread of slavery into the old Northwest.  As the mid-nineteenth century approached slavery was being condemned by many around the world, but was a vital part of the Southern economy.  Was secession legal under the Constitution?   The document had not allowed for dissolution of the United States but several of the founding fathers expressed opinions that encouraged state’s rights and led in that direction.  This program explores these issues that our country was unable to resolve in 1861 without war.