
Alfred Runte

  • 04/23/2016 Location: Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Headquarters - Omaha, NE, Time: 2:00 PM Fee Information: Free Contact Email: E-Mail Us Contact Phone Number: 402-661-1804

    Mr. Runte will address the public at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon, April 23, at the Lewis &Clark National Historic Trail Headquarters, located next to the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge on the Omaha riverfront. His free talk will deal with the simultaneous and cooperative growth of tourism, the national parks, and the railroads, with a special emphasis given to the national parks-focused campaigns engineered by Union Pacific in the 20th century. Parking at the Visitor Center is available, free of charge. The talk will wrap up the Trail's celebration of National Park Week, which runs April 16th - April 24th.