
Bat Watch (August)

  • Every Thursday Weekly from 08/02/2018 to 08/30/2018 Location: Acadia National Park Headquarters, 34 McFarland Hill Drive, Time: 6:15 PM to 9:00 PM Fee Information: Advanced registration required by email at AcadiaWildlife@nps.gov (Please include “Bat Watch” n the subject line)
    Have you ever wanted to be part of a research team? Does the thought of acoustic sampling, watching for emerging bats, mist-netting, and telemetry sound exciting to you? 
    Then join us on Thursday evenings, June through September. Registered participants meet at Acadia National Park Headquarters where our biology team will provide an orientation to our bat program and train youhow to become a volunteer.That same night our team will take you into the field to start collecting valuable data on our struggling bat population.Come for one night, or for the entire season.  If there is more than a 40 percent chance of rain the program will be cancelled. *Best for ages 13 and up. However, all are welcome with parental supervision.

    June: 7:30 to 10 pm
    July: 7 to 9:30 pm
    August: 6:15 to 9 pm
    September: 5:30 to 8 pm