
The Decision to Exclude: A Tour of General DeWitt's Office

  • 02/10/2018 Location: Presidio Officer's Club, Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Fee Information: Free Contact Name: Presidio Visitor Center Contact Phone Number: (415) 561-4323

    During World War II, the Presidio of San Francisco – the Army’s Western Defense Command – played a pivotal role in the unjust incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans, purportedly in the name of national security.  Take a behind the scenes tour to see where and learn why this historic event took place.

    This tour complements the special exhibitions EXCLUSION: The Presidio’s Role in WWII Japanese American Incarceration at the Presidio Officers’ Club and The Children of the Camps at the Military Intelligence Service Historic Learning Center.

    Meet inside the Presidio Officers’ Club at 10 am. We will then take a 10-minute walk on paved surfaces to the office site. The walk and the office are accessible. Reservations not required. For additional information call the Presidio Visitor Center at (415) 561-4323.

    Photo by Dorothea Lange
    Courtesy Library of Congress