
Being Authentic: Finding Your Voice in Your Photography Workshop

  • Multiple Days: 07/27/2018, 07/28/2018, 07/29/2018, 07/30/2018, 07/31/2018 Location: Peters Valley School of Craft, Fee Information: $860 Contact Name: Peters Valley School of Craft Contact Email: E-Mail Us Contact Phone Number: 973-948-5200
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    Your photographs are trying to tell you something. Can you hear them? They speak to you about your passions, fears, interests, loves and so much more. They are mirrors into your soul: past, present and future. When you hear and see what they are saying you can be more intentional in your picture making. Intentional capture allows you opportunities to transform emotions, expressions and personal stories into your photography. We will be photographing daily with our models including the incredible Nicole Cudzilo in the Peters Valley Landscape. Through daily conversations, exercises, meditations, poetry readings, journaling, interpretive post production techniques and image feedback you will strengthen your ability to listen to your photographs and hear what they are saying to you. Participants can plan on bonding with like minded creatives, and taking your photographic journey to new levels. This workshop is not for the faint at heart, but for those that want to commit more deeply to understanding and strengthening their visual voice. Beginner and Beyond

    Instructor: Laurie Klein

    Tuition: $660 (lunch is included) 
    Studio/Materials Fee: $200 
    Registration Fee: $30