
Cycle Crissy Field!

  • 03/25/2017 Location: Sports Basement Presidio- 610 Old Mason St, SF, 94129, Time: 9:45 AM to 11:30 AM Fee Information: FREE! Contact Phone Number: 415-561-4323
    Where:  Sports Basement Presidio- 610 Old Mason St, SF, 94129

    What:  Family-friendly bike trip around Crissy Field and the Presidio Main
    Post!  Led by a Presidio park ranger, this 5.3-mile mostly-flat ride will take
    you on a whirlwind tour of some Presidio highlights, including:
    • Fort Point
    • The brand new Presidio Visitor Center
    • The Historic Pet Cemetery
    • Crissy Field marsh
    Please Bring:
    • Water bottle
    • Snack
    • Sun/rain protection
    • A bike!  If you want to rent one, see below.

    Bike Rental Info: You can easily rent a bike from Sports Basement!  Their
    rates start at $24 for 3 hours- enough time for this ride plus a trip across the
    Golden Gate Bridge.  They have comfort hybrids, mountain bikes, tandems, e-
    bikes, road bikes, kids’ bikes, and more.  Reserve ahead of time at

    No reservations needed- just show up.  We roll at 10 sharp!

    Questions? jamie_stash@nps.gov or 415-561-4323