Saltwater marsh community

Saltwater marsh community

Will Elder, NPS


Saltwater marsh community is a community dominated by herbaceous shrubs and perenial grasses that are influenced by salt and fresh water tidal innundations and fluctuations.

Typical Sites at the Presidio: Recently re-established at the Crissy marsh. The members of this community have been brought to the new marsh from nearby local stocks. A number of rare and endangered plants that have not been recently recorded at the Presidio are also being introduced from nearby stocks.

Common Native Plants

Alkali heath Frankenia salina Ericaceae
Arrow-grass Triglochin concinna Poaceae
Fleshy jaumea Jaumea carnosa Asteraceae
Marsh gumplant Grindelia stricta var. augustifolia Asteraceae
Marsh plantain Plantago maritima var. juncoides Plantaginaceae
Pickleweed Salicornia virginica Chenopodiaceae
Red fescue Festuca rubra Poaceae
Rush Juncus lesueurii Juncaceae
Saltgrass Distichilis spicata Poaceae
Sand-spurrey Spergularia macrotheca Carophyllaceae
Sand-spurrey Spergularia marina Carophyllaceae
Silverweed Potentilla anserina ssp. pacifica Rosaceae
Sea-pink or Sea-thrift Armeria maritima Plumbaginaceae

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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