Ithuriel's Spear

(Triteleia laxa)
Ithuriel's Spear
A cluster of Ithuriel's Spear flowers on the Ecology Trail near Inspiration Point.

Will Elder, NPS


Origin Of Genus Name: Triteleia is Greek for "three complete" because all flower parts are in three's.

Presidio Locations: Found in serpentine grasslands and coastal prairie; occasionally on inland dunes.

Range In State: Central California to Cascade Range.

Description: This native, perennial species in the Lily Family has leaves 8 to 16 inches long and 2 to 8 inches wide. The blue-purple to white flowers occur in clusters at the end of a long stem. Blooms May to July.

Native Californian Uses: The bulbs were gathered with a digging stick and eaten by the Karuk, Pomo, Yuki, Wailaki, Coast Miwok, and Maidu.

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Last updated: February 28, 2015

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