Overmountain Celebration at Damascus Trail Center!
Free.Dates & Times
Type of Event
9am hike with Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail Club, 12pm program with Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail, 12-4pm info tables with The Crooked Road, OVNHT, US Forest Service, and more!
Join the Damascus Trail Center for a celebration of the history and culture of the Overmountain Victory Trail and Southwest Virginia!
Damascus Trail Center
209 West Laurel Ave., Damascus, Virginia 24236
9am the Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail Club will host a guided hike on a portion of the Appalachian Trail located near Damascus, Virginia.
12pm, the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail will lead a conversation at the Damascus Trail Center about the connections of the trail, Southwest Virginia, and the American Revolution.
12pm-4pm, the Damascus Trail Center will host info tables from some of the great organizations that help make the region special:
- The Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail
- The Crooked Road Virginia's Music Heritage Trail
- United States Forest Service
- Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail Club