Special Event
Women of Muir Woods Walking Tour
This event has already occurred. This page is provided for reference only.
To join the tour, you have to pay admission into Muir Woods. Entrance fees are $15 per person. Any NPS pass would cover your admission fee. If you plan on driving to Muir Woods, you also have to purchase a parking reservation at gomuirwoods.com for $9 per regular sized car.Location: LAT/LONG: 37.890931, -122.569103
Meet at the entrance arch in Muir Woods, right after the Visitor Center
Dates & Times
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
11:00 AM
1 hour
Type of Event
Guided Tour
Join Ranger Elizabeth as you explore the ecology and history of Muir Woods with a special focus on women's history. You will learn about influential women of Muir Woods and their impacts on the forest, all while being inspired by towering redwood trees.
We will meet at the entrance arch in the plaza of Muir Woods, and head into the park for a 1/4 mile. It will be mostly flat and wheelchair accessible. Bring layers and comfortable shoes. Masks are required for portions of the tour you cannot socially distance from other participants.