Special Event
The Parting Shots: Abingdon, VA!
This event has already occurred. This page is provided for reference only.
Free.Dates & Times
Saturday, September 21, 2024
5:30 PM
1 hour and 30 minutes
Type of Event
Campfire/Evening Program
Living History
Partner Program
Special guided walk begins at 5:30pm. Arrival at destination at 6:30pm. Formal program dismisses at 7:00pm.
Grab your tricorn hats and get ready to send our boys off right with music and revelry!
On September 21, 1780, Patriots from across southwest Virginia gathered to begin a journey knowing that some of them would never return. These Virginians led by William Campbell were about to pursue Loyalists (British supporters) being organized into an army that threatened the future of their homes and their new young nation. Supplies were packed, horses rested, and goodbyes said to loved ones.
On September 21, 1780, Patriots from across southwest Virginia gathered to begin a journey knowing that some of them would never return. These Virginians led by William Campbell were about to pursue Loyalists (British supporters) being organized into an army that threatened the future of their homes and their new young nation. Supplies were packed, horses rested, and goodbyes said to loved ones.
Join us on the 244th anniversary of these preparations for "The Parting Shots" as we recreate the night before their grand departure.
Attendees who make reservations will be able to join our 1-mile commemorative "march" through town to this location (more details provided once reservation confirmed).
Historic Clothing will be available for marchers to help get into the spirit of the night!
Historic Clothing will be available for marchers to help get into the spirit of the night!
Contact ovvi_information@nps.gov to sign up! The walk is limited to 25 attendees.
Our final destination is Sweet Bay Brewing at 149 Deadmore St. SE where we will join the spirit of those 1780 Patriots with music from Appalachian Highland Thunder and toasts to the coming journey before dismissing at 7pm.
Those not wanting to walk are welcome to meet and receive the marchers at Sweet Bay Brewing at 6:30pm.
Those not wanting to walk are welcome to meet and receive the marchers at Sweet Bay Brewing at 6:30pm.
Marchers are welcome to dismiss and return to their vehicles or linger and enjoy the hospitality of our host.
Reservation or Registration: Yes
Reservation required for guided walk. RSVP at ovvi_information@nps.gov to confirm spot and for additional information.