Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway Hike and Bike Day
This event has already occurred. This page is provided for reference only.
Free.Location: LAT/LONG: 41.363822, -124.023154
Parking for this special day is located on the south end of the Parkway near the Prairie Creek Visitor Center. Very limited parking and no facilities are located on the north end of the Parkway.
Repeating Event
Monthly on the first Saturday
October 07, 2023 to May 04, 2024
Type of Event
Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway will close to vehicle traffic the night before and reopen Sunday morning to allow for hikers and bikers to use it.
The first Saturday of each month, October through May, is the Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway Hike and Bike Day! Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway will be closed to vehicle traffic so visitors can hike, bike, roller skate, walk their dogs, you get the idea, on the paved parkway/road. Parking for this special day is located on the south end of the Parkway near the Prairie Creek Visitor Center. Questions about the Hike and Bike Day, please reach out to the park at e-mail us or call 707-464-6101.