Special Event


Point Reyes Lighthouse Evening Program - August 12, 2023

Point Reyes National Seashore



Location: LAT/LONG: 38.000000, -123.000000

Point Reyes Lighthouse Visitor Center

Dates & Times


Saturday, August 12, 2023


7:00 PM


1 hour

Type of Event



Point Reyes National Seashore will be hosting evening programs at the Point Reyes Lighthouse on the second Saturday of the month, from July 8, 2023, through October 14, 2023. Times will vary depending on the time at which the sun sets. On August 12, the program will start at 7 pm PDT.

Experience the Point Reyes Lighthouse just before sunset and dusk, as many keepers have over the years. Participate in a unique opportunity to learn more about the Point Reyes Lighthouse.

Space is limited on this popular ranger program. Group size is limited to 8 people per party.

Call 415-669-1534 after 10 am on August 12, 2023, to RSVP.

  • Wear very warm clothes as the weather is often cold and windy.
  • Meet at the Lighthouse Visitor Center. Allow 1 hour to travel from the Bear Valley Visitor Center to the Lighthouse Visitor Center.
  • Access for the Lighthouse requires a strenuous descent and ascent of 313 steps.
  • High winds in excess of 40 mph will result in program cancellation
  • Bring a flashlight for the unlit 0.4-mile walk from the Lighthouse back to the parking lot.

Lasts 1 hour.

Other opportunities to attend this program:

Reservation or Registration: Yes

Please RSVP by calling 415-669-1534 after 10 am on Saturday, August 12, 2023.

Contact Information

Point Reyes Lighthouse Visitor Center
Contact Us